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Did You Know Music Facts

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)
The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks.

A DBS check may be needed for: certain jobs or voluntary work - eg working with children or in healthcare applying to foster or adopt a child There are different rules for getting a criminal record check in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Who can ask for a DBS check An employer can ask for a DBS check for certain roles. DBS eligibility guidance lists most roles that are eligible for a check. However, the guidance isnít comprehensive so contact DBS if unsure. Applicants (job candidates) canít do a criminal records check on themselves, but they can request a ëbasic disclosureí.

How to get a DBS check
  • The employer gets an application form from DBS or an umbrella body (a registered body that gives access to DBS checks).
  • The employer gives the applicant the form to fill in and return to them along with documents proving their identity.
  • The employer sends the completed application form to DBS or their umbrella body.
  • DBS sends a certificate to the applicant. The employer will have to ask the applicant to see the certificate.
If the applicant has subscribed to the DBS update service, the employer can check their certificate online.Basic disclosure If applicants need to run a check on themselves, they can get a ëbasic disclosureí with details of any unspent convictions from Disclosure Scotland (they can do this anywhere in the UK).Types of criminal records check There are 3 types of check. The employer or organisation running the check should provide the applicant with more information about the level of check required. Criminal record check applicants must be 16 or over.


This will check for spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings, and will take about 2 weeks.


This includes the same as the standard check plus any additional information held by local police thatís reasonably considered relevant to the workforce being applied for (adult, child or ëotherí workforce). It takes about 4 weeks.

Applicants and employers can use the DBS update service to keep a certificate up to date or carry out checks on a potential employeeís certificate.