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SE13 Lewisham Piano Removals and Piano Disposal South East London

SE13 Lewisham Piano Removals and Piano Disposal South East London

Lewisham Piano Removals and Disposals

Your one-stop shop for all piano services in Lewisham, London.

!Piano removal team in action

We specialize in providing a range of professional piano services, including:

Piano Removals

Piano Disposals

Pianmo Removals and DIsposals by AMH Pianos Services London.

Whether you have an upright piano or a grand piano, our experienced team has the skills and equipment to cater to all your piano needs.



Exceptional Piano Services in Lewisham

At Lewisham Piano Removals and Disposals, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch piano services to residents of Lewisham and across London.

Areas we serve in Lewisham: 

Deptford, New Cross, Blackheath, Brockley, Lewisham, Lee, Ladywell, Rushey Green, Forest Hill, Hither Green, Catford, Grove Park, Upper Sydenham, Bellingham, Southend, and Sydenham.

Please check this vodeo about pianio moving in Lewisham:



Contact Information

  • City of London, London SE13
  • Mobile: 07500 661581
  • Send Message vCard
  • Hours

    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00
    08:00 - 22:00

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Did You Know Piano Facts

Tuning Temperaments

How many piano tuning temperaments are there? There are countless variations, but most fall within three major categories;

1. Meantone, which generally concentrated the dissonance into a few unusable intervals (often called "wolf" intervals), so that the others could be Just. These are often called "restrictive" tunings, since there are certain intervals that are not usable. Good intervals are really good, bad ones are really bad. The Meantone era was approx. 1400-1700

2. Well-Temperament, which gives more consonance to the most often used keys, and more dissonance to the lesser used ones. Though not equal, these tunings are "non-restrictive" because all intervals can be used. The intervals range from Just to barely acceptable. Well-temperament refers to a genre, not a specific tuning. The Well-Tempered era is approx. 1700-1880.

3. Equal Temperament, which spreads the dissonance equally among all intervals. There is no difference in consonance or dissonance between any keys, thus, there are no good ones or bad ones. Equal temperament represents a complete average. Dates of its acceptance are debated, but there is ample evidence that it was widely available by 1900 and is the predominate tuning on keyboards, today. r.