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by vernon
20 Nov 2023, 13:22
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: grand lid hook
Replies: 0
Views: 6603

grand lid hook

Has anyone an old hook for a grand lid old style ?
I've got the knob and bits but need the hook

01463 861317
by vernon
07 Aug 2023, 17:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: victorian grand desk
Replies: 0
Views: 3970

victorian grand desk

looking for old grand desk. Virtually any condition or size. I'll tailor it
Vernon K
by vernon
07 Aug 2023, 17:08
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Broadwood barless grand
Replies: 3
Views: 4396

Re: Broadwood barless grand

Just solved it. It's unbeleivable.
You have to remove thr front legs¬
the securing countersunk screws are then exposed.Only on this one tho'. I've done several others with normal block bolts..The removal system has now been re-invented!
Vernon K
by vernon
07 Aug 2023, 16:56
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: old grand desk
Replies: 0
Views: 6393

old grand desk

anyone got a victorian grand piano music desk complete.. Any size
Vernon K
by vernon
03 Jun 2022, 22:18
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Broadwood barless grand
Replies: 3
Views: 4396

Broadwood barless grand

How do you get the action out!
no screws into blocks. no screws into lockrail -just four wood doweles. It maybe swollen in but has anyone got any tips. It's the first time in 70 years I've been beaten!
by vernon
28 Nov 2021, 22:00
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying used Samick upright
Replies: 2
Views: 4299

Re: Buying used Samick upright

If you ever need any parts you'll be lucky if they give you the time of day
by vernon
18 Mar 2017, 20:50
Forum: Piano Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 36058


sorry to go back to "hammer rest" bit. On a grand it was always hammer rest to us. After all one rec-vered it with "hammer rest felt" Don't think Fletchers ever stocked " staccato rail felt."
by vernon
09 Mar 2017, 14:15
Forum: Piano Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 36058


try turning up a COUPLE of the capstans in the middle of the keyboard so the hammers hover 1/8th " above the hammer rest and see if that cures the trouble. If it does do the lot!
If it does not improve things,turn the hammers back level with their companions and get out the drawing board
by vernon
08 Mar 2017, 19:48
Forum: Piano Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 36058


It's taken 81 years for me to learn that the hammer rest is called the"staccato rail." crikey as Boris would say
by vernon
07 Mar 2017, 20:34
Forum: Piano Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 36058


Could be the hammers are resting ON the hammer rest. They should sit clear of it
by vernon
06 Mar 2017, 22:00
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Quick upright hammer hardening?
Replies: 3
Views: 14193

Re: Quick upright hammer hardening?

hair spray, nail varnish or stewed old celluloid key tops are all the same stuff basically. They should make it nice and bright.. My uncle likened the result to a Steinway tin bath full of old nails. I'm sure he exaggerated. He really didn't like steinways.
by vernon
28 Feb 2017, 23:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: The "C" in front of Sauter, Bechstein
Replies: 5
Views: 21366

Re: The "C" in front of Sauter, Bechstein

In the 30s was C Bechstein London that were prone tp frame cracks. Best avoided
by vernon
27 Feb 2017, 20:44
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying a second hand Knight K10
Replies: 4
Views: 16276

Re: Buying a second hand Knight K10

One cannot begin to give any sort of guide price for a piano without personally having inspected it. We are often asked for a "ball park figure" but the same answer still obtains.
by vernon
26 Feb 2017, 21:07
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying a second hand Knight K10
Replies: 4
Views: 16276

Re: Buying a second hand Knight K10

too dear for that age
by vernon
20 Feb 2017, 23:26
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Short sustained sound of Boston GP 193
Replies: 4
Views: 16226

Re: Short sustained sound of Boston GP 193

If there is a short sustain I cannot ascribe it to any of the reasons you suggest and I can't think that the work you have done can effect it.. It would suggest an inherent constructional defect. If the initiation of the string is achieved then logically the transference of the "sustain" t...
by vernon
18 Feb 2017, 18:50
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: New Piano
Replies: 4
Views: 15454

Re: New Piano

If you wait two weeks,the piano of your choice may be sold!
by vernon
02 Feb 2017, 19:49
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: New Piano
Replies: 4
Views: 15454

Re: New Piano

You are the customer and you tell the dealer what you want not the other way round(I.m a dealer!) Bear in mind the one from the box may not play exactly as the shop one does. You can also suggest the dealer gets a new one for you to choose,providing you contract to buy one of them. By the way they d...
by vernon
31 Jan 2017, 21:49
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying my first piano!
Replies: 13
Views: 32552

Re: Buying my first piano!

You'll be happy with that piano I'm sure and I hope you found the advice on this Forum was of assistance.
by vernon
25 Jan 2017, 21:29
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Out of tune lowest notes only
Replies: 8
Views: 22171

Re: Out of tune lowest notes only

Wherabouts are you so we can direct you to some sound advice?
by vernon
19 Jan 2017, 23:13
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying my first piano!
Replies: 13
Views: 32552

Re: Buying my first piano!

Without knowing the condition of any of the pianos you mention I would say they are all grossly overpriced.

With your budget you go for new.
There is life beyond the Central Belt bubble of Scotland and I suggest you Google further north for a bargain!
Try Perth,Aberdeen and Inverness
by vernon
14 Jan 2017, 23:38
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Gebruder Sohne piano
Replies: 4
Views: 15292

Re: Gebruder Sohne piano

Gebrueder Soehne is a new one on me(keine Umlauten auf meine pc!). and not a piano I've met I think. I really feel it is needing very careful examination by an expert before parting with ANY money. A wide berth is indicated especially at the price mentioned.
by vernon
13 Jan 2017, 23:19
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Gebruder Sohne piano
Replies: 4
Views: 15292

Re: Gebruder Sohne piano

I think someone is talking nonsense to you.Get hold of a reliable dealer to advise you.
I wouldnt part with more than £200 for a twenties piano unless it was super special. For that money you could get a decent modern Kawai if you looked carefully
by vernon
12 Jan 2017, 23:32
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Buying advice: replacement upright piano
Replies: 6
Views: 18140

Re: Buying advice: replacement upright piano

Good modern s/h try a Fazer if you can find one. About £1200 Steinmayer new under £2000. Modern Kawai s/h if you can find one £2000 ish Yamahas are a minefield. Any E German s/h £700- There are a few to avoid but it's very subjective so you've got to find an honest dealer with a name to look after.t...
by vernon
12 Jan 2017, 23:25
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Ajello piano
Replies: 5
Views: 14012

Re: Ajello piano

We used to buy Ajellos from Ajello in Manchester in the 1950-60s
I remember them as very good
by vernon
05 Jan 2017, 19:22
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Henry Zender & Co. London
Replies: 14
Views: 27625

Re: Henry Zender & Co. London

the third black bolt head from the right goes where there was once a wrest pin hole. viz missing string- no wrest pin for it!. Obviously has had some drastic re-designing
by vernon
30 Dec 2016, 17:53
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Click noise after key release...normal?
Replies: 9
Views: 22926

Re: Click noise after key release...normal?

If you have any sort of click then a competent technician should be able to pinpoint it on the spot. If the click is there with the action out then it's most likely not regulation. There is no definitive list of sources of clicks-- only experience!. If you can remove the click for 15 minutes by fluf...
by vernon
13 Nov 2016, 23:36
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: remote control for sustaining peadl for disabled pianist
Replies: 0
Views: 13426

remote control for sustaining peadl for disabled pianist

I have a customer in a wheel chair who cannot operate the sustain.
Does anyone know of a commercially available remote system. I'm sure I can make one but something readily available would be better.
by vernon
31 Oct 2016, 22:39
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Frequencies
Replies: 19
Views: 36433

Re: Frequencies

It's because we do it all the time. We unconsciously disregard all the weird noises,overtones,buzzes etc that plague most pianos of all sorts and qualities.Some people are beset by noises that only they can hear. The tuner "hears" through all of these and often has to compromise with some ...
by vernon
31 Oct 2016, 22:29
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Frequencies
Replies: 19
Views: 36433

Re: Frequencies

It's because we have been doing it for years and are almost unconciously able to filter out all the weird overtones,false notes and extraneous noises that inhabit all pianos of all qualities.Some people are plagued with overbearing noises that only they can hear.The tuner "hears" through a...
by vernon
11 Oct 2016, 20:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Piano for grade 5 and above
Replies: 2
Views: 13340

Re: Piano for grade 5 and above

Always let the pianist decide whether she's 10 or twenty. She is going to play the piano, not the teacher,not mum not the tuner,not the salesman.
Keep your hand on the wallet and turn her loose on what you can reasonably afford.
Don't let the teacher have her finger in the pie!
by vernon
09 Sep 2016, 18:23
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: T Hammer or Tuning Lever Poll?
Replies: 4
Views: 13512

Re: T Hammer or Tuning Lever Poll?

T hammers were for a different age. The clue is in the "hammer" bit. Try knocking in a pin with it nowadays. My dad,granddad and uncles all used T hammers up to the War. When new modern pianos started to creep in after. they all surreptitiously bought a lever. What an advance the star head...
by vernon
22 Aug 2016, 19:22
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: New Acoustic Piano
Replies: 7
Views: 19776

Re: New Acoustic Piano

Colin Put me right. I thought the Kawais were all made in Japan save the K15 built in Indonesia and the K200,assembled in Indonesia. Anything wrong with Indonesia? My son and our japanese family were in Tokyo this summer and didn't elaborate on all these constructional subtleties. I thought the Yams...
by vernon
22 Aug 2016, 19:20
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: New Acoustic Piano
Replies: 7
Views: 19776

Re: New Acoustic Piano

Colin Put me right. I thought the Kawais were all made in Japan save the K15 built in Indonesia and the K200,assembled in Indonesia. Anything wrong with Indonesia? My son and our japanese family were in Tokyo this summer and didn't elaborate on all these constructional subtleties. I thought the Yams...
by vernon
17 Aug 2016, 22:58
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Frequencies
Replies: 19
Views: 36433

Re: Frequencies

sounds to e as though the regulation was duff when you got it. Double-blow is generally a symptom of shallow touch so after a year the touch should be deeper with use. Also, less responsive notes as you describe could be lost motion that WILL naturaly increase with use. You need a tech to put it in ...
by vernon
16 Aug 2016, 21:45
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Frequencies
Replies: 19
Views: 36433

Re: Frequencies

You can't do any lasting harm touching up unisons, providing you have a proper lever and not a socket set.. However, don't fiddle with regulation. This is a complete trade that must be done in strict sequence otherwise each adjustment will adversely affect the previous one and you will rapidly send ...
by vernon
16 Aug 2016, 10:09
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: automatic piano. retro fit available?
Replies: 0
Views: 10325

automatic piano. retro fit available?

Does anybody do a retro fit kit for a grand?
What's the cheapest reliable new piano with it fitted?
by vernon
15 Aug 2016, 18:41
Forum: Piano History
Topic: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083
Replies: 20
Views: 32751

Re: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083

OK with me Bill.
If we now have two examples of Brinsmeads with prints then it is reasonable to assume they were feature of a line of Brinsmeads as no one would add them later just to Brinsmeads. Hein Moriarty?
by vernon
12 Aug 2016, 21:45
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers
Replies: 23
Views: 39679

Re: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers

Colin old bass strings were certainly not hex core but just plain steel wire. Obviously you are a youngster and probably less than seventy years old! You will have come across old Bech and Bluthner bass strings that ere SOLDERED at the ends to stop them buzzing. I'm doing one at the present(1909 Blu...
by vernon
12 Aug 2016, 21:38
Forum: Piano History
Topic: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083
Replies: 20
Views: 32751

Re: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083

The picture on ours is; "A foretaste of Summer" by George Logan.(qv on Google) A woman reclining on a punt with a parasol and two swans in attendance.Very beautiful This is new to me. Are there any other examples of Brinsmeads putting actual pictures on the front panel? It seems new to our...
by vernon
10 Aug 2016, 22:01
Forum: Piano History
Topic: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083
Replies: 20
Views: 32751

Re: My Grandmothers Brinsmead #53083

My dad worked at Brinsmeads as did my uncle(Head rep.Liked a drink) and cousin around the 1900s. I have a picture taken from a centre panel of a Brinsmead in a similar style to the illustration.I know nothing more about it. It's a copy of a well known victorian print. I can't identify the one you sh...
by vernon
08 Aug 2016, 22:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers
Replies: 23
Views: 39679

Re: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers

The string looks like an emergency "hexacore" that one cuts to measure. However, you're supposed to chose one as near to the original as possible. Also, you need to turn off the copper winding properly otherwise it will BUZZ
by vernon
05 Aug 2016, 21:35
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers
Replies: 23
Views: 39679

Re: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers

the larger apparent string will let you know immediately if it has any concern---like you may not be able to tune the two together.
by vernon
05 Aug 2016, 21:29
Forum: Piano History
Topic: J.Claypole and Son
Replies: 5
Views: 12184

Re: J.Claypole and Son

re Baker=" if they worked back then can't they be tuned now? " unfortunately often not.
by vernon
04 Aug 2016, 21:09
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers
Replies: 23
Views: 39679

Re: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers

As I tell all my slaves, the first job on removing keys is to re-number them so that when they all fall on the floor it doesn't take a day to sort them so two sets of numbers is usual tho'it helps if they add up to 85/88 It all looks pretty good and well looked after. BUT-- you must get a technician...
by vernon
02 Aug 2016, 22:35
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Modern Spencer Upright Piano
Replies: 7
Views: 12675

Re: Date help/opinion please - Spencer Upright Piano

The idiosyncratic shape of the bottom of the sides looks very like a Zender as you observe Bill..I don't remember Spensers still being on the go in the 60s.
by vernon
01 Aug 2016, 22:18
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers
Replies: 23
Views: 39679

Re: Bluthner 1890s Upright Dampers

The grooved hammers are of no consequence.
The dampers appear to be too high though why they all seem in line is problematic.
Anyway, it is the job of a moment for a competent technician to crank them down a bit. I bet you will notice little difference tho'!
by vernon
28 Jul 2016, 20:59
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Ageing a Bentley piano
Replies: 5
Views: 13889

Re: Ageing a Bentley piano

I would confidently put this pre-war post war they started with the model with the grand fall, and the bottom door was angled in three pieces, only the middle of which came out,thus making it almost impossible to get at the pedal works.It had curved top corners before the vogue for "modernising...
by vernon
26 Jul 2016, 18:41
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Need part(s) for 1900 Pleyel grand piano
Replies: 31
Views: 45520

Re: Need part(s) for 1900 Pleyel grand piano

there are other people watching with interest I can tell you-- with interest and some encouragement. As an old hand ,like Colin, I wouldn't have touched this with yours. However, as a project it is interesting and in the end you will find your Holy Grail. As a hobby it's probably cheaper than sailin...
by vernon
16 Jul 2016, 20:01
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Broadwood bought at an auction
Replies: 12
Views: 22400

Re: Broadwood bought at an auction

That sounds like an acceptable result
by vernon
14 Jul 2016, 20:59
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: anyone know about piano C. H. Bornkessel - Sangerhausen
Replies: 3
Views: 10929

Re: anyone know about piano C. H. Bornkessel - Sangerhausen

If it originally "held candleabra" then it will be pre 1918 war.