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In recent years, the ABPT has improved its benefits to its members. Mainly due to its website at where we generate income and free advertising to members. 

Our insurance covers:

  1. Public liability for 5 million
  2. Eployee liability. 10 million for one Eployee 
  3. If you damage a customers piano while working on it in their home, there is cover up £25,000, the first £250 of which to be paid by member.
  4. Professional indemnity insurance 100,000 - 1,000 excess.
  1. On our website, members can list areas, in which they work and give contact details. If they deal in used pianos they can advertise on this site or related sales, providing they do not conflict with the ABPT's shopping cart.
  2. The annual subscription for a full member is presently £120.00; this fee is substantially lower than many other organisations.
  3. Insurance is essential in this day and age, particularly when entering public buildings, schools, halls etc. 
  4. We can arrange for personal insurance to cover loss of earnings while ill. Members can also apply for a single payment of £500, from the Association if they are unable to work because of an injurycaused by accident or some other disabling illness. Payments will be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
  5. Through the Association, new members can be checked by the Criminal Records Bureau to clear them to work in situations where there are vulnerable people such as in schools,homes for the elderly etc, a certificate wil last for 3 years.
  6. To give a professional image, we offer shirts and ties with our logo on at cost price.
  7. We subsidise training sessions, often at our Annual General Meeting, and endeavour to expand this training in local areas.
  8. Subsidised high-impact display advert in Yellow Pages for members 
  9. We advertise in piano-related journals.
  10. We have a free leaflet for members "Buying and Caring for Pianos" also, "Health & Safety with pianos in schools."
  11. We are now members of Euro Piano, this is a European organisation, which represents piano tuners, and strives to keep the very best of standards throughout Europe. All members also become members Euro Piano
  12. To keep in touch with all members an audio newsletter is produced approx 4 times a year. Plus the PTQ, both publications are free to members. We also have an email discussion forum only accessible to members. 
  13. We register and host domains for members for £5.00 a year. This includes FTP, email send and receive ether POP3 or forwarding 

With our resources, we will be striving to improve the business of members for the future, so why not join us and, for the equivalent of a pound a week at present, realise these benefits.

Application form




Featured Listings

  • Countrywide Pianos Centre Ltd

    194 Penn Road
    High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP15 7 NU

    Sell both new & used pianos, superb choice of 75

  • Dawsons Music Ltd (Warrington)

    65 Sankey Street
    Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1SU

    Today, we supply all styles of Acoustic Piano,

  • Taylor Pianos Ltd

    Unit 15 Wroslyn Road Industrial Estate
    Wroslyn Road
    Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HZ

    Buying a piano is a big investment – financially

  • Michael Boyd - Pianolas

    Orchards Farm
    Rye, East Sussex TN31 7XB

    Established since 1984, we are situated at the

  • Horsham Piano Centre

    1 Queen Street
    Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5AA

    The Horsham Piano Centre was established in 1980

Did You Know Piano Facts

What is Piano Tuning
Piano tuning is the art of making minute adjustments to the tensions of the strings of a piano to properly align the intervals between their tones so that the instrument is in tune will all the intervals on the piano. The meaning of the term in tune in the context of piano tuning is not simply a particular fixed set of pitches. Fine piano tuning requires an assessment of the interaction among notes, which is different for every piano because of the different lengths of string and the wooden bridges, thus in practice requiring slightly different pitches from any theoretical standard. Pianos are usually tuned to a modified version of the system called equal temperament. In all systems of tuning, every pitch may be derived from its relationship to a chosen fixed pitch, which is usually A440. Concert pitch Many piano manufacturers recommend that pianos be tuned twice a year.