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East Calder West Lothian Scotland

East Calder

Featured Listings

  • Shackell Pianos Ltd

    Thatched Cottage
    Witney, Oxfordshire OX182AZ

    Shackell Pianos have been buying and selling

  • Reuben Katz Pianos

    R/O The Old George
    Fore St, Milverton
    Taunton, Somerset TA4 1JU

    Our Stock of new and reconditioned pianos has been

  • Buskers Music

    Unit 60 The Triangle
    Wolverton Park
    Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK125FJ

    We are a family run music shop in Wolverton,


    121-125 Royal Avenue
    Belfast, County Antrim BT1 1FF
    Northern Ireland

    The Belfast music scene has been quietly turning

  • Piano House Ltd

    Houldsworth Business & Arts Centre
    Houldsworth Street
    Stockport, Cheshire SK56DA

    Piano House Ltd have been based in the Greater

Did You Know Music Facts

How Many Piano Grades Are There
There are 8 grades in piano. The examinations are set by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and Trinity. Trinity's music selection tends to be towards pop than classical in (ABRSM) you can not progress beond Grad 5 if you donĂ­t have grade 5 theory exam