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Featured Listings

  • J. Reid Pianos

    184 St. Ann's Road
    Haringey, London N15 5RP

    J. Reids supply new and fully restored pianos from

  • Jaques Samuel Pianos

    142 Edgware Road
    Marble Arch, London W2 2DZ

    Jaques Samuel Pianos has been providing pianos

  • Peregrine's Pianos

    137A Grays Inn Road .
    Bloomsbury, London WC1X 8TU

    Peregrine's Pianos is the exclusive dealer in

  • Piano Warehouse

    111-113 Ewell Road
    Surbiton, London KT6 6AL

    We are one of the largest retailers of both new

  • Buskers Music

    Unit 60 The Triangle
    Wolverton Park
    Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK125FJ

    We are a family run music shop in Wolverton,

Did You Know Music Facts

How Many Piano Grades Are There
There are 8 grades in piano. The examinations are set by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and Trinity. Trinity's music selection tends to be towards pop than classical in (ABRSM) you can not progress beond Grad 5 if you donĂ­t have grade 5 theory exam