The bulk of these patents come from E Brinsmeads book, When time
permits I will add more patents and bring it up to modern
OCT. 20, 1694. GEORGE JOYCE and P. EAST. Self acting harpsichord,
Oct. 22, 1730 JOLIN HARRIS. Harpsichord (no description).
Dec. 17, 1730 WILLIAM BARTON. Metal plectra in spinets, etc.
Dec. 30, 1741 ROGERPLENIUS. Ivory and tortoise shell plectra.
July 10, 1745. ROGER PLENIUS. Harp stop and bushed keys.
Dec. 18, 1769. BURKAT SHUDI. Venetian swell over the strings.
Dec. 28, 1770. THOOMAS HAXBY, "A single harpsichord of two unisons
which produces ten variations of stops."
May 2, 1771. RICHARD WAIZEFIELD. Ivory and metal plectra, and wrest
Aug 29, I772. ADAM WALKER , The " Celestina," in which the catgut
strings are vibrated by circulating, bands of silk, etc.
Sept. 12, 1774 JOSEPH MERLIN. A set of hammers, of the nature of
those used in the kind of harpsichord called pianoforte, arc
introduced [in a perfect harpsichord] in such a manner that either
may be played separately, or both together. . . . BY placing the
foot upon [the pedal] it gradually plays one unison, one degree
lower plays the second unison, and lastly the octave, which
produces the swell of an organ."
Dec. 28, 1774. S GILLESPY. Harpsichord with ,,a peddle and swell,"
by which the top of the instrument is raised and the stops
Nov. 21, 1777. ROBERT STODART. Combined harpsichord and piano. (p.
July, 17, 1783. JOHN BROADWOOD. Position, of wrest pins and
dampers, also making the "sounding post, that communicates the
sound to a sounding board, of the same thickness and quality as
that on which the bridge is fixed."(p.1379)
March, 11, 1786 G. J. CLIME. Grand Harmonica," with the strings
stretched by weights, and struck by hammers. Strips of glass ranged
in a frame produce sounds also, by means of balls set on wires, or
by coining in contact with wheels rapidly revolved by a
Nov 9, 1786. JOHN GEIB. (i) Buff stop for pianos and harpsichords,
screwed under the strings, and (2) grasshopper
Jan. 15, 1787 W. THOMPSON. System of tuning by means of a monochord
with movable bridges.
March 31 1787 JOHN LANDRETH (1) Centring the jack in square piano
with cork. (2) The same, or 9, some woolly substance, manufactured
after the manner of a hat," is introduced in the upright
July, 25, i787. HUMPHREY WALTON. (1) Pedal for causing. the grand
hammer to strike one, two, or three strings ; the hammers" striking
perpendicular hammers which strike the wires. (2) The touch is
regulated according to the fancy of the player, from the deepest to
the most delicate [by] a regulating touch frame," inserted between
the balance rail and the back rail of the key frame.(p.1596)
Jan. 15, 1781 SAMUEL BURY. "The instrument is a perfect
pianoforte," which, by means of whalebone plectra fixed in a
sliding board, and a slide which throws up the dampers, produces
sounds " exactly similar to the dulcimer and harpsichord."
Aug. 15, 1788. C CLAGGET. (1) Piano called "Teliochordon". Besides
the ordinary ones, two other bridges are placed nearer to the
hammers, but in a just, proportion, according to the musical
division of the string." Metal bars press down the strings by means
of pedals, causing the original bridges to lose their power,
thereby producing a more acute sound as the string is shortened by
the secondary bridges and metal bars. (2) The keys are covered with
glass or enamel, in place of ivory. (3) Another instrument has
tuning forks or single rods of metal, instead of strings, set in
vibration by means of finger keys and action.
April 13, 1790 JOHN HANCOCK. (1) Small pieces of leather between
the strings, to deaden one string to each note, when required by
the player. (2)A black sticker , presses down a palate at the
bottom of pipes," in a case below the pianoforte, admitting wind
from a bellows blown by a pedal. This flute stop can be used
separately or in conjunction with the pianoforte.(p.1743)
Nov. 16, 1790. BALL. Square piano action, with under dampers, and a
screw in each key, for making the touch deeper or more shallow. "
The hammers are fixed by means of screws that press " on the centre
Feb. 4, 1792. G.GARCIC.A. Position of wrest pins and sounding
April 18, 1792. JOHN GEIB . Combination of clavichord or spinet
with pianoforte, " with two sets of keys to which either of these
three instruments may be joined and played together."
June 6, 1792 JAMES DAVIS. Combined piano and harpsichord. "The
upper row of keys is for the piano forte, and the lower for the
Oct. 17, 1794 SEBASTIAN ERARD. Two methods for escapement of the
hammer, and an arrangement for striking one, two, or three strings
at pleasure, by a side movement of the damper rail, etc. Harmonic
octave produced by mechanism which pressed on the string exactly in
the centre.(p.2016)
Oct 18, 1794 WILLIAM SOUTHWELL. Improved dampers, and addition of
treble keys.(p.2264)
Jan. 12, 1795. WILLIAM STODART. "An upright piano in the form of a
bookcase," in which ' both the hammers and dampers are returned by
weight." (p. 2028)
Jan. 31, 1797. WILLIAM ROLFE, and SAMUEL DAVIS. Vellum, parchment,
pasteboard, etc., varnished or oiled for sounding boards, instead
of wood.
Nov. 8, 1798. WILLIAM SOUTHWELL. New method of applying additional
notes. The frame turns down over the keys, and the "leader" is
fastened to the hammer by a joint of leather. A harp played with
keys is also mentioned in the specification.
Oct. 3, 1799 JOSEPH SMITH. Introduction of metal bracings in place
of wood, " so as to admit the introduction, into the internal part
of the instrument, of a drum, tabor, or tambourine, with sticks or
beaters," as well as a triangle; all being brought into action by
levers and cranks.
Jul 31, 1800. PETER LITHERLAND. "A method of keeping [pianos, etc.]
in tune by means of " helical and other springs.
Nov. 31, i800. ISAAC HAWKINS. Spiral springs in Place of long bass
strings. The strings are fixed in a perpendicular position, ranging
from three to four feet in height to within a few inches of the
floor. By means of "primary and secondary carriages.. . . . two,
three, or more strings may be stretched at the same time" in
tuning, "and they may be put in tune one with another, by turning
the screws of the secondary carriages." A roller with pins acting
upon levers shortens any strings, at the pleasure of the player, by
pressing on and dividing them into varying lengths. The
"poiatorise" stop is produced by another roller, which, revolving
rapidly, causes projections upon it to strike on the hammers, thus
keeping them continually striking the strings whilst the keys are
held down. Between the hammers and the strings pieces of leather of
varying thickness, are introduced, so as to change the tone
gradually from forte to piano. The key frame is made to turn on
pivots, for economy of space. Besides these improvements a volli
subito is introduced, which, by the use, of the pedal, turn. over
the leaves of the music book when required. (p.2446)
May 16, 1801. SEBASTIAN ERARD. The touch rendered either hard or
soft to any degree, at the election of the player."(p.2052)
June 5, 1801 EGERTON SMITH and THOMAS TODD. Tuning by means of
screw and lever, or by a wheel axle, and pulley ; which allow of "
any number of being drawn up by one weight over a wheel or
Nov. 7, 1801 JOLIN CONRAD BECKER. Half and quarter tones, produced
by causing the wrest pins to move partly round their centres,
thereby altering the tension of the string as may be
Nov. 10, 1801. A. BEIMETZRLIDER, and A. SCOTT. 'I Horizontal harp "
piano ; the top opens at the back, forming a swell.
Nov. 28, 1801. EDWARD RYLLY. Movable key. board for transposing
music simply by shifting the keyboard and action.
March 9, 1802 .Thomas Loud . Upright pianos rendered portable by
placing the strings in an obique direction, " fixing the first bass
strings from the left hand upper corner to near the right. hand
lower corner, and the rest of the strings in a parallel direction.
By this means an instrument standing only five feet high and four
feet wide in front will admit of the bass strings being their full
length, which is five feet two inches,"(p.2591)
March 24, 1802. PETER LITHLRLAND. " Helical, Spiral, or straight
springs, for keeping the strings to their tension " and the piano
in tune.
June 28, 1803. GEOIIGE WOODS. Strings attached to pulleys, beams,
etc,, so that the whole may be raised or lowered in pitch at
Jan. 23, 1805. ED. THUNDER. ,Screw wrest pin."
April 8, 1807.WILLIAM SOUTHWELL. Cabinet pianoforte and
July 25, 1 1808 WILLIAM HAWKES. "Two sets of strings of two unisons
to each ,;et." The action being, shifted by pedal so as to strike
each set, produces g, seven diatonic and five flat tones to our
present scale of twelve fixed tones."
Sep 24, 1808. SEBASTIAN ERARD. Repetition action, which 'I affords
the power of giving repeated strokes, without missing or failure,
by very small angular motions of the key itself."
July 26, 1809. DAVID LOESCHMAN. 11 By means of six pedals that
cause the hammers to act upon twenty four distinct sets of
strings," performers can " play in thirty three perfect
May 2, 1810. SEBASTIAN ERARD. The tuning pins inserted in a collar
and socket for ease and smoothness in motion.
March 4,1811 WILLIAM SOUTHWELL. Piano sloping backwards, with
improved action and damper wire.(p/3403)
March 4, 1811. J TROTTER. New keyboard arrangement.
March 26, 1811. ROBERT WORNUM. Improved upright pianoforte," with
diagonal strings. Buff stop for stopping one string of each note is
worked by a pedal. (p.3419)
Apri1 24, 1811 William BUNDY. Bass pianoforte strings covered with
platina or other metal to produce powerful sounds by
Sep. 9, 1811. WILLIAM FREDERICK COLLARD. Square pianoforte "turned
upwards on its end."
March 3, 1813. FREDERICK, HAUCK. Method of applying 'I additional
keys, strings, hammers, etc. to old keyed instruments."
Dec.9, 1813 JOHN BATEMAN. "The Grand Claviler." The strings may be
struck at or near the middle . . . in a similar manner to that of
the finger upon the strings of a harp, by playing upon keys."
May 14, i8i6. WILLIAIM, SIMMONS. Barrel piano or harpsichord.
Oct. 14, 1816. JOSEPH KIRKMAN. Two strings in unison and one with
separate bridges tuned to the octave above, are struck by one
hammer, forming an octave stop."
Nov. 14, 1816. JOHN DAY. Frame of musical glasses played
separately, or in combination with the piano, by finger keys and
Feb. 1, 1817. ISAAC MOTT. "The Sostinente piano forte" produces a
sustaining tone through the strings being vibrated by a revolving
roller, by means of silken lines attached to them. A movable bridge
presses against the centre of the strings, and produces the effect
by dividing them into two equal harmonic octave lengths.
Jan. 15, 1820 JAMES THOM and WILLIAM ALLEN. metallic tubular
bracing to counteract the tendency of pianofortes to get out of
tune from the swelling and contracting of the wood caused by
atmospheric changes.
May 13, 1820 ROBERT WORNUM. One size wire used for stringing tenor
and treble. The length of the first note is determined on the
monochord, " and for all the 'corresponding notes upwards you must
halve the several notes, and so on for as many octaves as you
require, always halving for the last octave." This is intended to
produce equal tension throughout the instrument.
March 8,1821. WILLIAM FREDERICK COLLARD. "The bridge of
reverberation" is a third bridge below the two others to allow that
part of the strings which is generally listed, or damped, to
sympathise and vibrate in unison with the lengths between the
ordinary bridges.
April 5, 1821. WILLIAM SOUTHWELL. Check action applied to cabinet
pianos, to prevent the hammer rebounding, against the
Dec. 22, 1821 PIERRE Erard. (Communicated.) Repetition check action
for the grand pianoforte.
Jan. 14, 1821 D, LOESCHMAN and J. ALLRIGHT, In the " patentt
Terpodion " sounds are produced by friction on wood, metal, or any
hard substance, played with pianoforte keyboard.
Feb. 18, 1823. FRANCIS DEAKIN. Improvement in steel wire and mode
of fastening it. 1823 KOLMANN G. improved Action (p.5107)
(March 20 ?) 1823. STREICHER J. (Austrai) the hammer strikes from
July 24, 1823. HENIIY. SMART. Check acting on the hammer.
Nov 22 1823 Thomas TODD, The strings are vibrated by a roller upon
each side of the strings, when brought in contact by the key and
July 29 1824. WILLIAM WHEATSTONE. External surface covered with
frames having vellum, etc., tightly drawn across, with trumpet
mouthed holes, for augmenting the tone of the pianoforte.
Jan. 5, 1825. PIERRE ERARD. Wrest plank and key bottom united by
pieces of sheet iron placed between the two sides of the case. New
application of patentt Of 1821.
Jan. 18, i825. FRANCIS MELVILLE. Metallic bracing for square
Feb. 6, 1825. G. A. KOLLMAN. grand action and larger sounding
Oct. 6, 1825. JAMES SHUDI BROADWOOD. Check action applied to square
July, 4,1826. ROBERT WORNUM. (1) Hopper and two check actions. (2)
11 Pizzicato pedal." Down striking.
Feb.20 1827 PIERRE ERARD. Application of action to square pianos,
1821 patentt.
March 22 1827 JAMES STEWART. Wire put on without loops or " eyes,"
by making one continuous string pass round a single hitch pin, so
as to produce the effect of two separate strings. (return
April 9, 1827, JAMES SHUDI BROADWOOD. Metal string plate in the
grand piano.
July 25, 1827. EDWARD DODD. Both bridges upon sounding board. The
quality of tone is regulated by a brass nut and screw at the back
of the hammer head.
Aug. 30, 1827 W. DETTMER. U Screws for altering the pitch.
July 10, 1828. J. H. A. GUNTHER. A second thicker sounding board,
with the belly bridge upon it, is placed over the ordinary
July 24, 1828 R.WORNUM. Check acting on the back part of the
Aug. 11, 1829. THOMAS ROLFE. Improved self acting pianoforte.
Nov. 2; I829. J. STEWART. Brass rail applied to back part of action
Feb. 27, 1830 SIMON THOMPSON. Upright piano forte, having the top
level with the lock board.
Feb. 2, 1831 J. C. SCHWIESO. Cast iron wrest plank.
July, 20, 1831 W. ALLEN. Cast iron grooved frame with the wooden
wrest plank driven tightly into the grooves.
Sep. 8, 1832. F. P. FISCHER. Down striking grand action.
Nov. 1, 1833. JACOB ZEITTER, Sounding board bars made of two or
more pieces.
Jan. 15, 1835. J. STEWART. Escapement action.
Sep, 1, 1831 E DAWHELL. Hammer shanks, suspended by an India rubber
thread to the butt. Hollow bridge on sounding board.
Nov. 6, 1835. R. WOLF. Shell of curvilinear shape, in lieu of the
usual sounding board."
May 13, 1835, P. FISCHER. Over strung piano. "In order to increase
the length, I place the strings diagonally, and they then pass
under the other strings."
Feb. 17, 1836. J. LIDEL. (1) Sounding board free, being fastened at
one end only, (2) Piano effects are produced by the stroke of the
hammer being shortened.
March 8, 1836. J. GODWIN. Strings run over others, or are placed
across them in square pianofortes.
May 14, 1836. WHEATLEY KIRK. Double sounding board and complete
metallic framing or support.
July 27, 1836. CHARLES WIIEATSTONE. Continuous sounds produced from
pianoforte strings or springs, by means of currents of air which
pass through apertures slightly wider than the body the air
Aug. 24, 1837 W, SOUTHWELL. spring applied to hammer butt, to
obtain repetition.
Feb. 21, 1839 JOHANN STUMPFF. Improvements in mechanism and tuning
July 2, 1839. H. RAPE. Sounding board reversed and placed behind
the bracings in a console shaped piano.
Feb. 14, 1840 J, CLARKE. Free sounding board, one part only being
firmly fixed.
Sept. 24, 1840. PIERRE ERARD. Improvements in mechanism and string
Nov. 7, 1840. E. DODD. Set of, strings on the back, as well as a
set in front, of the frame, acting as a counterbalance, and "
double pianoforte."
July 23, 1841. J. GODWIN. The wrest pin block is placed above the
strings in the grand.
July 7, 1841 J, STEWARD. Complete metal framing to carry the
strings. Upright pianoforte action, proceeding downwards, strikes
near the under bridge.
Nov. 11, 1841 J. STEWART. Escapement action.
Jan. 15, 1842.T. LAMBERT. Improved cabinet action.
Feb. 2, 1842. HENRY BROADWOOD. Name board with pictorial
representation "of the extension of the black and white keys for
Feb. 15, 1842. R. WORNUM.. The "tape check action."
Feb. 11, 1843. H. Du BOCHET, Repeating square action.
Jan. 19, 1843. J. G. KIRKMAN. Improved action (no
April 29, 1843 J, STEWART and T. LAMBERT. Cabinet repetition
July 26, 1844 CHARLES SAUTTER. Continuous sounds produced by a
succession of shocks from hammers put in vibration by a revolving
Oct 10, 1844. OBED COLEMAN. Eolian attachment. Reeds are attached
to the bottom of the pianoforte case, and are acted upon by wind.
They are played separately or in combination with the
Nov, 9, 1844. DANIEL HEWITT. Striking simultaneously in different
parts of the string, etc.
Dec, 12, 1844. S. MERCIER. "Transposing piano."
April 7, 1845 W. IIATTERSLEY. Metallic elastic trusses for
strengthening the framing.
Oct. 27, 1845. B. NICKELS. Two actions and sounding boards, and two
sets of strings and keys, are employed for producing a combined
upright and horizontal pianoforte.
Nov. 11, 1845 S. CROTTIMWELL. Elastic stops for producing harmonic
sounds when pressed upon the strings in the centre of them.
April 28, 1846. ISAAC MOTT, " Metallic skeleton," applied to
stringed instruments to resist the pressure caused by the tension
of the strings.
June 16, 1846 F, BURKINYOUNG. Down striking grand action.
July 8, 1846 T. WOOLLEY. Movable key bed and frame.
April 29, 1847 J. SPEAR. India rubber applied between the movable
parts to prevent noise.
Oct. 7, 1847. ALEXANDER BAIN. Electricity employed for playing
several instruments simultaneously.
Aug. 12, 18S0. C, CADBY. Sounding board strained like a drum.
Sep 12, 1850. PIERRE ERARD. Metallic wrestplank.
Dec. 20 1850. J. PAPE. Vibrations of the strings increased by air,
June 3, 18S1. J. HOPKINSON. " Clothing the hammers with sponge."
Action with sticker jointed in the middle.
Nov. 15, 1851 PIERRE ERARD. " Laying the wires on or against the
sounding board."
Nov. 20, 1851 T. STATHADJ. Metallic stop to the wrest plank and
sounding board, for the purpose of relieving the latter from the
pressure of the strings.
Jan. 27, 1852. T. LAMBERT. Bevelled lever.
Jan. 31., 1852. WILLIAM SQUIRE. Gravitation employed in a new check
action, instead of springs.
July 15, 1852. H. GAUNTLETT, Pianofortes and organs played by means
of electricity.
Oct. 1, 1852. G. BROCKBANK. Two wrest planks, between which the
strings pass.
Oct. I, 1852. J. STEWART. Stop for the hammer at the back of the
Nov. 17, 1852. H. RUSSELL. Flattened wire, in place of round
pianoforte strings.
March 7, 1853. W, MATTHEWS. "Propeller Action," to prevent 11
blocking " in damp situations.
March 17, 1853 J. ASHENHURST. Hollow wood bracings and
May 30, 1853. H. HUGI1ES and W. DENHAAT. Continuous sounds,
produced by two sets of hammers being successively brought into
July 6, 1853. R. RCST. Sound holes in the sounding board, with
metal tubes passing through hollow bars inserted.
Aug. 16, 1853 J. STEWART. Connecting the sticker with the fore end
of the lever, the back end being hinged to the lever rail in the
upright pianoforte.
Oct. 6, 1853 JOSEPH CARY. Single check action with " loop and
Dec. 22, 1853 J. SHAW. Construction and arrangement of the action
and bracings.
May 1 , 1854 W WADDINGTON. The ribs or bars ii front, instead of at
the back, of the sounding board.
May 8, 1854. G. THOMAS. Bracings dovetailed into the body of the
wrest plank.
May 25, 1854 J. HARRISON. Metallic wrest plank and improved
Aug. 23, 1854 W. S. SMITH. Rounded bridges with plates of
Oct. 12, 1854. F. DELSARTE. Apparatus for tuning.
Nov. 3, 1854._E. ALEXANDRE. Combination of organ and piano.
Dec. 16, 1854. D. HEWITT. Piano constructed against any strong
wall; the wall supplying the place of " costly framework with
strong bracings."
Dec. 19, 1854 WILLIAM DREAPER. Application of compensating bars and
generators of sound to the sounding board and bars.
July. 22,1855 J. PAPE. Tuning Fork piano.
April 28, 1855. JAMES MARSH, Piano capable of being separated for
May 2, i855. T. LAMBERT. Hopper head connected with the hopper by a
regulating screw.
Oct. 13, 1855 JOHN DEWRANCE. Cast iron framing, with wrest plank
secured in a metal frame by bolts, and covered with a plate of soft
Nov 1 1855. S DRIGG (U.S.A.). Metallic framing with sounding board
within an independent metalli1 frame, which holds it in an arched
Nov. 23, 1855. J. FISHER. Reversible hammerhead.
Jan . 3, 1850. R GUICHENE. Connecting rods, which cause chords of
the note to sound when a single key is struck.
Jan. 25, 1856. W. OWEN. Second sounding board.
Feb, 13, 1856. W. MOUTRIE, Springs acting upon the dampers.
Feb. 26, 1856. J. STEADMAN. Arched bars "for the support of the
sounding board and central bridge."
April 16, 1856. F. PRIESTLY. ,Rocking lever or butt to each key,
constructed with a hammershank and hammer."
July 11, 1856. A. N. WORNUM. Repetition Grand action.
Oct. 9, 1SS6. J. and E. SHAW. Separate strings for sharps and
Oct, 10, 1856. D. SHIRLEY (U.S.). Simplified action, "to render it
cheap, and to prevent blocking."
Nov. 6, 1856. J. LA CABRA. Arrangement of sticker and check.
Dec. 1, 1856. J. C. HADDON. Metal framing, "and loading the bass
strings with buttons, . . . placed upon them so as to obtain deep
notes" with short lengths of strings. The strings are galvanized or
tinned "to preserve them from oxidation."
Feb. 26, 1857 WILLIAM MILLS. Escapement upon the upper part of the
April 9, 1857.T, ROLFE. Vulcanized or plain India rubber, in place
of wire, for a " check."
May 11, 1857.S. HALLETT. Strings are arranged concentric with the
sound boards. One, two, four, six, or eight keys " may be applied
to the same instrument.
May 13, 1857. H TOLKIEN and J. MIDDLETON Hard wedge or wedges,"
inserted in the bracings for strength.
May 14, 1857. G. CRAWFORD. Upper bridge entirely, of glass. The
sounding board has a double bridge, indented with bone or ivory
instead of pins.
July 25, 1857. K OETZA1ANN and T. L. PLUMB. Hopper acting directly
on the hammer butt.
Sep 3, 1857. T. JACKSON. Check upon hammer butt by sticker.
Oct. 30, 1857 M. STODART. Reduction in thickness of sounding board,
from the bridge outwards, towards each edge where it is
Nov 11 1857. H, and S. Thompson. Additional stickers, for producing
an octave or chord at will when a single key is struck.
May 13, 1858. A. WOLFF. "Independent pedallier"
Sep. 21, 1858. JOHN DEWRANCE. Compensating bars in bass of
Oct. 2, 1858. J. and E. HOLMAN. Upright pianoforte action.
Nov. 17, 1858. J. ROBERTSON. Thicker sounding board, with the
surface grooved out " longitudinally in parallel lines."
Dec 9 1858. BURROWS Set of rectangular cranks, to elicit the sound
of two notes by the touch of One key.
Dec. 9, 1858. J. STEWART. Hopper escapement action,
Feb. 11, 1859. C. JACKSON. Escapement hopper.
Feb. 11, 1859 C. MILLS. Improved hopper.
Aug. 15, 1859. C. GLASBOROW. Sounding board and strings in front,
and a second set behind the bracings, to produce equal tension and
sympathetic vibration of the two sets of strings.
Aug.. 30, 1859.JAMES HARE. Improvement in wrest pins and string
Sept. 6, 1859. J. STESSIART. Improved escapement action.
Oct, 4, 1859. G. GREINER. (1) Appliance for tuning two strings at
the same time. (2) Pedallier with leather covered plectora for
pulling the strings.
Nov. 30, i859. F. MATHUSEK (New York). Sounding board, strings,
etc., are arranged so as to make them somewhat similar in action to
instruments of the violin class.
Jan 2.1860. DR. HURLIMANN (Zurich). Light wooden frame. . . .Metal
bars, . . . placed between the sounding board and the strings, . .
. extend in the same direction, . . . and are fastened to the wrest
plank near the piano pins, and below on the iron plate on which the
strings are fixed."
April 17, 1860. S. B. DRIGGS (U.S.). Graduated sounding board and
April 28, 1860. T. MOLINEUX. Single check action with loop and
May 21, 1860. C DE MEYER. Two sounding boards " fitted on metallic
construction of framework."
May, 29, 1860. W. NOSWORTHY. Sounding board passing under detached
metal bridge.
July 28, 1860. J. PAPE. The hammers "have two, three, and even four
faces, instead of a single one," to replace the surface worn by
use. The height of this piano is two and a half feet only.
Aug 3, 1860. C WILLIAMS and E. F. FALCONER (U.S.), Bells instead of
Aug. 27, 1860. J. P. PIRSSON (U.S.). The "Trylodcon," a combination
of the piano and harmonium.
Sept. 25, 1860. CARL KIND. Repetition grand action.
Dec. 29, 1860. H. VINER. " One set of keys transmits motion to two
sets of hammers, . . . one to strike up [on the strings in the
grand piano], and the other to strike down " upon a second set of
strings tuned ill unison with, or an octave above or below, the
upper set.
Feb. 2, 1861.W. PRANGLEY. "Rise [in the key] at a point before it
reaches its centre pin."
May 21, 1861. WILLIAM DREAPER. 1' Tie rod is applied to . . the
bars of the sound board in such manner as to draw such bar or bars
into a bent form."
June 20, 1861. J. L. CLEMENT. To overcome the non continuity of
sound, "an arrangement somewhat similar to the bow of a violin,"
acting separately, or simultaneously with the hammers, is added to
the piano.
June 20 1861 J. R. COTTER. Strings pulled by claw shaped plectra in
the middle of their length.
July 18, 1861 B. JOHNSON and W. H. ANDERSON. Double sounding Board,
with " swell valves " and 11 the Very forte pedal for sounding
Nov. 16, 1861 R. T. WORTON. " Lyro pianoforte." A pianoforte and
harpsichord combined.
Dec.3,1861. R. A. RCST. Sloping front and sliding extended
Feb. 11, 1862. JOHN BRINSMEAD. Grand and upright mechanism for
producing " a perfect check, great power, and quick
Feb. 13, i862. WILLIAM WILLIATMS. Diagonal bass strings, inclining
towards the right in grand pianos, and continued below the keyboard
towards the front of the keys.
Feb. 26, 1862. C L. KNOLL. Connecting rods from. the keyboard to
cause the action to strike upon strings at the back of the
Feb. 26, 1862. E. G. BRUZAM Two dampers for each note.
March 10, 1862. W. S. NOSWORTII Keyboard, pedals, and seat raised
above the usual height, enabling vocalists to read the performer's
March 20, 1862. J. G. THOMPSON. Enharmonic scale and shifting
April 7, 1862. THOMAS J ACKSON. Spring on end of sticker that
causes a check.
April 14, 1862 J. M. FRENCH. Hollow wooden bracings.
April 19, 1862. A. N. WORNUM. Improved damper.
April 30, 1862. H. F. BROADWOOD. Metal plate over the wrest planks
of Grand's, tapped to receive wrest pins upon which either a male
or female screw has been cut.
May 9, 1862. G. F. GREENER and I. H. C. SANDILANDS, Improved grand
May 22, 1862.G. CRAWFORD. Small pianoforte with metal prongs
instead of strings.
June 23, 1862. R. COOK. Metal employed for tops of hoppers.
June 28, 1862. G. H. HULSKAMP, Compressed sounding board.
Aug 27, 1862 J. J. POTTER. Improved upright action.
Sept. 11, 1862. J. MOLINEUX. Sticker action with check.
Feb. 5, 1863. R. A. BROOMAN (FRAN90IS DE, LSARTE). Method or tuning
two strings simultaneously.
Feb. 13, 1863 S. M. INNES. Transposing keyboard.
March 16, 1861 W G. EAVESTAFF. Check action.
April 29, 1863. W. FARR and E. FARR. Improved action.
July 31, 1863 B. JOHNSON. 'Combination of piano Sep. 30, 1863 W.
CLARICE. Combined piano and organ or harmonium.
Nov. 12, 1863. G. H. BROCKBANK. Perforated metal plate between
sounding board and strings.
Nov. 20, 1863, A. H. FERRY, Hammer head made so that the coverings
can be tightened or loosened.
Jan. 18, 1864. W. H. MARICS. Piano with four strings to each note,
two of which are tuned an octave higher or lower than the other
April 12, 1864. R. A. ICEMP. Tuning the piano forte scale by means
of twelve harmonium reeds.
April 20, 1864. A. V. NEWTON. Action for producing increased power
in short horizontal grands.
June, 1864. A. V. NEWTON (JOHN WINTER JONE). Combination of piano
and drum.
June 15, 1864 R. A. BROOMAN. Improved tuning apparatus.
July 4, 1864 J. W. JONES. Down striking action.
July 19, 1864. E LEA. Combined piano an harmonium.
Nov 4, 1864. T. J. V. ROZ. Transposing keyboard.
Nov 1 1864 W. Moody. New tuning apparatus.
Jan. 17, 1865. K H. LAKIN, Tuning by means of levers on metal plate
over wrest plank.
March 9, 1865. W. T. HAMILTON, Guide for the position of the hands
in playing.
April 4, 1865. W. MOODY and W. J. HULAND. New method of
April 15, 1865. G. E. Way Improved metal plate in cross strung
square pianos, with repetition action.
June 26, 1865. W. E. NEWTON. Metal frame over thin boards in sweep
side and wrest plank.
June 30, 1861. R. A, BROOMAN. New tuning apparatus.
Aug, 5, 1865. H. C. BAUDIT. Violin piano.
Oct. 5, 1865. B. JOHNSON. Combined piano and organ.
Oct. 10, 1865 G G Rich Improved Dampers
Nov, 29, 1885 E FARR and J. GREGORY. Improved Action.
Dec, 7, 1865. W. E. EVANS. Transposing key Board
March 23 1866. J. MACINTOSH. Trumpet shaped covering to be placed
over the piano or vocalist, so that the tone may be augmented by
means of compressed air
April 3, 1866. G. HASTLETINE. Pianoforte with four strings to each
note, two of which are struck, by an action above the keys and two
by an action below the kev board
April 5, 1866. B. JOHNSON. Combined piano and harmonum.
April 24. 1866. S. Thompson Octave couplers to pianoforte
July 10, 1866. J MILLWARD. Combination of Piano, couch, closet, and
bureau with toilet articles. The music stool is constructed to
contain a workbox, a looking glass, a writing desk or table, and a
set of drawers.
Aug. 24, 1866. W. E. NEWTON (QEORGE BYRON KIRKIIAM). Movable
transposing keyboard.
Sep, 4, 1866. E. FARR and T. GREGORY. Each string passes from its
wrest pin completely round both sides of the sounding board so as
to obtain an equal upward and downward pressure.
Nov. 28, 1866, G. HASTLETINE [LEVI SMITH TOWER.] Improvements in
the mode of, and means for regulating and registering the tension
of pianoforte strings.
Dec. 3, 1866. M. A. F. MENNONS [JUAN AMANN]. Apparatus for
Performing by means of electro magnetism
Dec. 14, 1866. H. BRINSMEAD, action.
Feb. 4, 1867 J. F. PHILLIPE. Metal frame cast in one piece.
March 6, 1867 W. E. GEDGE. Transposing action.
March 18, 1867, H. SIMMS. Tone resonator.
May 9, 1867 A. HERCE. Keyboard to enable performer to face
June 3 1867 E McLEAN. Arched resonator at top of piano.
Oct. 16, 1867. W. H. MAY. Impregnating sounding boards with salt
Oct. 19, 1867 M. J. MATT1IEWS. Double pianoforte strung at back and
in front.
Nov. 1, 1867 J. GILSIOUR. Improved back.
Nov. 6, 1867. A. M. CLARIC. Vibrating hammer set in motion by a
cylinder for producing sustained tones by continuous blows.
Nov. 16, 1867. R. W. PEARCE. Hollow case made on violin principle
and placed under feet of piano.
Feb, 27, 1868, F. WIRTH, Assistant for raising parts only of the
dampers, by means of the loud pedal.
March 6, 1868. J. BRINSMEAD. [Perfect check repeater action] for
producing perfection of touch with increased durability.
Aug. 20, 1868, G. CALKER. Diagram of music in front of keyboard for
Sep. 1, 1868. E JOBSON. Hammers covered with velvet or other piled
fabric instead of felt.
Sept. 16, 1868. G. R. SAMSON, New method of stringing.
Oct. 28, 1868,W. DAWES. (1) A zinc compensating frame. (2) Double
sounding board. (3) Mechanism for producing sustained tones by
repeated blows. (4) Octave coupler.
Nov. 6, 1868. T. HARRISON, Improved action.
NOV. 23, 1868. C. MONTAGUE. Framing covered with caoutchouc.
Dec. 17, 1868. J. T. HALL. Improved hinges for piano tops.
Dec. 28, 1868. J. P. MILLS. Drawn steel wrest pins.
Jan. 20, 1869. T. STEINWAY. (USA) Metallic action frame.
Feb. 11, 1869. R J. S MITH. Metal bars under sounding board.
April 14, i869. E. DOWLING. Application of T headed screw to fly
April 28, 1869. K BAUER. Combined wood and metal framing.
April 30, 1869,L. B. FORTIN. Improvements in felt machinery.
May 26, 1869 C. F. CHEW. Transposing double keyboard and metal bars
in wooden bracings.
July 2, 1869. J. STEWARD. Sounding board with concave bars.
July 14, i869. C. BREWER. India rubber tubes for under covering of
bass hammers.
Sep 7 1869 T. KING. Check action.
Nov 11 1869, J. JULES. Combined piano and organ.
April 8, 1870. J. H. KIRKMAN. Steel bar in wrestplank.
Nov 23, 1870 W G. EAVESTAFF. Check action.
Nov. 29, 1870 T. LAMBERT. India rubber springs for action.
Dec. 1, 1870 H. L. GLEIG. Sounding board extended under metal wrest
plank "bridge"
Dec. 1, 1870 A. N. WORUM. Position of wrest pins.
Jan 8. 1871 W Tongue. Flattened steel wire kept in vibration by
currents of air.
Feb. 16 1871. T. LAMBERT. improved action, with zinc, lead, or tin
slates on top of hoppers.
March 5, 1871. J. BRINSMEAD. Improvements in piano action.
March 30, 1871. F. and R. HUND. Cast iron frame.
April 25, 1871. A. ZEWADSKI. Octave coupler.
April 27, 1871. D ROGERS, J. MONONINGTON J. WESTON. Combined wood
and metal bracings.
June 1, 1871. C. F. Chew, (1) Conical pins. (2) Adjustable tension
straps. (3) Straps for strengthening bridges. (4) Hollow
June 21, 1871. I LIEBICII and W. PATERSON. Harp effects caused by
tongues of metal placed between strings and hammers.
July 20 1871 NORMNTON. Self escapement hopper.
Aug 12, 1871.R. GAUNT. Metal hinges.
Sept. 20, 1871.E MOLYNEUX. Electro magnetic mechanical
Oct. 3, 1871. T. JACKSON. Improved hopper.
Nov 22, 1871 J ANIANN. 'Mechanical arrangement for playing keyboard
March 20 1872. R.
SIMITH. Laminated sounding board. Patent number 842
April 16 1872 C. S. VENABLES. Two damper pedals.
May 1, 1872. C. A. DE LAZKAWSM, H. KIMMAN. Tuning forks used in
place of strings.
May 1, 1872. L. GUNTHER. String rail.
May 14, 1872. C, T. STEINWAY. Improved agraffe or stud. USA
Aug. 16, 1872. C. F. GOFFREE and J. H. SCHULL. Improved method of
balancing keys.
Oct. 14, 1872. E. B. GOWLAND. Double bearing on bridge, with down
pressure bar.
Jan 2, 1873 k. D. B. WOLFF. Transposing key board attachment.
March 17, 1873. J. BURTON. Metal frets.
May 6, 1873, W. FRIUDENTHEIL, Cast iron wrestplank.
May 31, 1871 D. G. STAIGHT and S. STAIGHT. Alabaster or gypsum
substitute for ivory.
June 18, I873 C. J. COKHEAD. Improved damper.
July 31, 1873 U. C. HILL. Cellulated bell, or tuning fork
Oct. 15, 1873 C. H. L. PLASS. Repetition action.
Dec. 1, 1871 H. HANICINSON. Transposing key board.
Feb. 9, 1874 H. CHATWIN. Mother of pearl in lieu of ivory.
Feb. 27, 1874 J. H. DUNKLEY, Sounding board carried up to top
May 6 1874, J.B,HAMIILTON, Coiled, flat, or round wires.
May 20,1874. E. ILIFF and J. RINTOUL, Simpleaction.
June 12, 1874 C. J. COXHEAD. Prolongs On keys
July 14, 1874 E W. WHITEMAN, India rubber used instead of felt in
every part of the action.
July 27, 1874. D. IMTROF. Automatic piano.
Sept. 2, 1874 M. W. HANCTIEL. Dampers mechanically held after the
strings have been struck.
Oct. 20, 1874 W. MEAD. Combined piano and, musical box.
Nov 23 1874 A. STEINWAY. Dampers mechanically held after the
strings have been struck.
Nov 25, 1874. j. B. HAMILTON, G. WADE, and R. W. VOSEY.
Compensating springs attached to strings to prevent changes of
Jan. 2, 1875. W, R. MILLER. Insulators.
Jab. 27, 1875. G. H. BROCKBANK. Simple action.
Feb. 19, 1875. Z T. BURLING. A system of tuning'
Feb. 20, 1875 G. and A. ROBERTS. Escapement action.
March 1, 1875 J. ELL1s. Transposing keyboard.
March 6, 1875. j. BRIN&MEAD. Perfect check repeater action for
producing increased durability as well as perfection of
March 16, 1875 R. H, ROGERS. Simple action.
May 13, 1875 A. D. B. WOLFF, Stops for regulating dampers.
May 31, 1875. T. B. HOWEL. Method of strengthening back.
July 17, 1875 E. G. BURLING Banjo attachment.
Aug 21, 1875. A. MONTGOMERY. Improved arrangement of
Aug 31, 1875 R. NORMINTON. Transposing keyboard.
Nov. 5, 1875 C. J. WARD. Harmonic seraphltite, with concertina key
board applied to a stringed instrument.
Nov. 12, 1875. A. D. B. WOLFF. Improvements in the wrest plank and
1875. Wornum, Robert & Sons, 16, Store Street, Bedford Square,
London. A short Iron Grand Pianoforte (length under 6 feet). Method
of construction invented and patented by A.N. Wornum in 1875.
It has the advantage over the usual German method of
"cross-stringing" in that, whilst the strings are arranged
parallel, and their lengths are not reduced, and it allows the
iron-work in particular and the construction in general to be
simpler, and of less weight. It also does away with the necessity
of widening the front of the case. The action is withdrawn from the
bass side, leaving the keys and "damper action" in position.
April 19, 1876. C. E. ROGERS (U.S.A.) (i) New damper. (2) Universal
joint connecting key and jack. (3) Improved escapement. W Three
springs to counteract atmospheric influence. (5) String plate and
new method of tuning the strings.
May 30, 1876 K WIRTH. (I) Additional strings and bridges for
producing the overtones. (2) improved dampers.
Aug. 1, 1876. G. T. BOUSFIELD. Hand rest for position of the
player's hands.
Sep 23 1876. G. A. CASSAGNES. Nickel plating of strings and metal
Oct. 14, 1876 J. C. WARD. (1) The strings, hammers, and stickers
are alternately placed on the opposite sides of the frame. (2)
Harmonic angelute.
Nov. 7, 1876. J. ROBINSON Combined piano and harmonium.
Feb. 6, 1877. J. T. Combined piano and, harmonium or organ.
Feb. 20, 1877. E. LECOMTE. (1) Strings set in vibration by the
longitudinal friction of prepared felt rubber. (2) The forked
Feb 27, 1877 H . BROOKS. Improved action,
March 23, 1877 E. ZACHARIAE. Cellular boxes, within the instrument
to augment the tone.
Oct. 20, 1877. J. M0NINGTON and J. WESTTON Transposing
Nov. 20, 1877 C. PIEPER, Second row of strings and hammers for
producing the octave and fundamental tones simultaneously.
Dec. 29, 1877 H. WITTOX. Improved action.
July 5, 1878 T. HOWLLLS. Portable pianoforte. The strings arc
stretched horizontally along the exterior of a hollow cylinder or
framework; the action operates upon the strings from the interior
of the cylinder.
July 23, 1878. E C. CADOT. Automatic equaliser for pianoforte
August 20, 1878 S. F. WASLE, Resonators under the castors.
March 20, 1879 J. BRINSMMEAD. (1) Sostenente sounding board, glued
on rim of soft wood. (2) New form of metal plates and supports. (3)
Improved repeater check action. (4) Improved sticker action. (5)
Various appliances of tone sustaining pedal. (6) Strength of
sounding board regulated by springs.
July 11, 1879 W. P. WALLACE. Improved castor for more free
vibration of pianofortes.
April 5, 1879 H. HEUBACH. Improvements in transposing
April 8, 1879 A. H. WOOD. Improvements in sounding boards of
upright pianofortes.
April 17, 1879. W. A. WADDINGTON, Improved action for upright
July 5, 1879. ERNST KAPS. Increasing the force and richness of the
sound of the middle and treble
May 5, 1879. P0LMAN, AND SON. Improvements in the action for the
purpose of facilitating repression
July 17, 1879 J. ROBINSON instrument to pianoforte.
Sep 3o, 1879. W H. NVE. Upward and downward bearing of sounding
board bridge or string supporting sounding board, by stringing
under and over
Oct 8, 1879 G. GREEN and C. SAVAGE Combination of American Organ
with on one set of keys
Oct 24, 1879 J. W. GOUNDR Application of electric current to keys
of pianoforte
December 30, 1879. J, TURVEY, "celeste" pedal to grand
Jan. 8, 1880, A. G. GIGNEY. Light or heavy touch procured by
application of springs.
Jan. 13, 1880 R. HOWSON. Crescendo and diminuendo effect produced
by Forcing sound board into contact with vibrating plank.
Jan 27, 1880. J, DIXON. Apparatus to prevent piano getting out of
tune, consisting of two sound boards with strings over each.
May 5, 1880 MENRY WHITTON. Improvement of centring the key, in the
sticker action, and modifications of damper action and
May 15, 1880. C. A. SCHUSTERIUS. Improvement in construction by
supplementary sounding boards.
July 30, 1880. H. W. P0HLMANN, Improvement to obtain lightness
combined with strength and improvement and continuity of
Sep. 4, 1880. J. GANTMIZ. Improvements in construction of iron
frames obviating the ' break " in the key and hammer rail.
Sep. 13, 1880 R. HOWSON. Constriction enabling performer to
increase or diminish the sound at will.
Sep 1880 A. HELLIG Improvements in Tuning,
Oct 13 1880 S CRKAERT Improvements in combination of harmonium, and
similar reed instruments with pianoforte.
Oct. 16, 1880. H. R. SCHMIBER, Improvements in action.
Oct. 18, 1880. V. C. A. P. D. G. NYMIRUCK and L. A. BENNON. New and
simplified mechanical action.
Nov. 15, 1880. J. KEW. Avoiding any break in the scale or spacing
of the strings in vertical iron fronted
Feb. 8, 1881. A. K. HEBARD. Improved stringing pianofortes.
March 10, 1381. G, GREEN and C. SAVAGE. Improvements in combining
harmonium and other similar reed instruments with pianoforte.
May 19 138. J. GOETGELUCK. Improvements in supports or feet of
glass for insulation.
May 21, 1881. T. J. BRINSMEAD. Improvements in the construction of
the frames and tuning pins of piano ' fortes, dispensing with the
old system of tuning by pins driven into wood and with the
necessity of using any wood in the back and wrest plank. (a) By
employing metal screw tuning pins which are turned with the
greatest facility, increasing or decreasing the tension of the
strings. Improvements Simplification of Improved method of (b)
Constructing the frame which takes the strain of the strings
entirely of metal, ensuring the frame from the action of damp or
extreme heat,
May 31, 1881. A. K. FIEBARD. Improvements in action of upright
July 14, 1881. J. MAAS and J. BROWN. Improved check action.
July 22, 18S1. J. BROWN. Improvements in piano forte actions,
producing by one movement a check action, escapement, and back
touch, either separately or combined.
Aug. 8, 18S1. F. L. MITCHELL. Improvements and simplification of
pianoforte actions.
Aug 12, 1881. J. M. LABOISSIERE and C. L. DANJON. Improvements
reducing cost of manufacture and simplifying construction and
Aug 16, 1881. J. BRINSMEAD. Improved check action and leverage
sounding board for pianofortes.
Aug 18, 1881. C. COLLARD. Improvements in construction,
particularly as to producing the "celeste" effect in horizontal
Sep 5, 18S1. W. H. SQUIRE. Improvements in construction.
Sep 13, 1881. GOTTLO PHILIP. (1) Combined Check and repeater
action. (2) Regulating and actuating, the damper by a jack and
other modifications.
Sep 27, 1881 R J. RUMIMENS. Improved means of applying organ pedals
to pianofortes,
Oct. 6, 1881 WILHELM FISHHER. Employment of forks of metal similar
to tuning forks to produce musical notes in pianos.
Nov. 4, 1881. G. H. BROCKBANK. Improvements in pianoforte actions,
gaining a superior repetition.
Dec . 1881, JOSEPH BOMIMELAER. Operating on keys by electro
Jan 9 1882. GEBRITDER KNAICE. Improvements in repetition
Feb. 17, 1882. EDMUND OUTRMINI. Improvements in the means of
stringing, regulating. and controlling the pitch or tone.
March 7, 1882. J AINSWORTH, Apparatus for connecting pedals with
the keys.
March, 9,1882 B. SQUIRE. Improvements in actions for increasing the
strength and power of tone.
March 16, 1882. GEORGE WILDE. Improvements In fitting tuning, pins
or pegs.
March 16, 1882. HENRY WITTON. (1) Improvements to secure a certain
and uniform action of the hopper fly,. (2) Improvements on the back
frame of pianofortes fitted with iron fronts.
March 23, 1882 SAIM PEPLER. Improvements to increase and improve
the quality of tone,
March 24, 1882 BATTES. Improvements in construction of instruments
having diagonal and crossed strings.
July 20, 1882. J. MALLINS Improvements in In the actions a simple
construction and not liable to get out of order.
July, 28, 1882. W. A. WADDINGTON. Improvements in construction,
fixing a metal bar to the sounding board.
Aug 24 SQUIRE . Improved steel wire for pianofortes, and other
musical instruments.
Sep. 7, 1882. ELLIS PARR Improvements in steel frames and tin
plates for pianofortes.
Sep. 9, 1882. A. W. L. REDDIE, Improvements in keyboard
instruments. (i) To facilitate regulation of keys without removal.
(2) To avoid shrinking of wood. (3) To facilitate the making of
Oct . 17, 1882 W. H. SQUIRE, Improvements of actions.
Jan. 26, 1883 CYPRIAN F. SOUTHACK. Improved method of stringing
Feb. 16, 1881 CARL CAMIN. Improvements in construction avoiding
"knocking" by a "new treble bridge," a channel being formed between
the sounding board and bridges, open at both ends and gradually
widening towards the shortest string.
Mar. 1, 1883. H. J. HADDMVI. Improvements in pianoforte actions and
in the method of attaching the sounding board.
April 11, 1881 Louis N. LETAILLLUR and PETRUS, SCHOLTUS.
Improvements in sounding board, increasing its solidity and
May 4, 1883 JOSEPH HERBURGERBURGER. Improvements in manufacture of
pianoforte actions.
June 29, 1883 J. J. ROBINSON. "Increased in construction with
increased efficiency in operation."
July 23 1883. CECIL, COLLARD. Improvements in The action preventing
all risk of " blocking."
Aug 13, 1883. ADOLF LEEXOW rendering the pressure of the releasing
action imperceptible.
Oct. 2, 18S3. CECIL COLLARD. Construction of action of upright
pianofortes, so as to reduce the friction of the parts to a
minimum, and so adjusting the actions that they may be completed
without regard to the instruments to which they are to be
Oct. 5, 1883. JAAIE.9 RUSlITON. Attachment of organ pedals to
Oct. 31, 1883. W R. ELMENHORST. Transposing pianoforte.
Nov. 19, 1883 EMIL HOFINGHOFF, ' Improved attachment for obtaining
different qualities of sounds.
Nov. 20, 1883 MAX JUNGER, Improvement in hammers for
Dec. 17, 1881 RICHARD HOWSON. Improved Sounding board and pedal
attachment thereto,
Jan. 1, 1884 J. RUSI1TON. Pedals to pianofortes.
Jan. 2, 1884 . GRINDROD. Mechanism for attaching the strings to
wrest plank.
Jan. 2, 1884 J. SHAW. Application of note pedals to the action of
Jan. 3, 1884 . SEATPLE. Improved action. Key acting directly on the
hammer butt.
Jan. 5, 1884. M. DAVIS. Simplified action.
Jan. 7. 1884 C GREEN and C. SAVAGE. Escapement produced by action
of a roller variously placed.
Jan. 10, 1884. M. SNOW. Notes marked on keys and distinguishing
colour to corresponding keys.
Jan 25 1884 C. MARN Two parallel sounding boards.
Feb. 2, 1884 J. HERBURGER. improved action.
Feb, 4, 1884 G, B. RISSONE Automatic cylinder pianos.
Feb. 5, 1884 M. MAKINSON. Construction of' pianoforte frames.
Feb. 5, 1884. A. SQUIRE. Improvements of action.
Feb. 6, 1884 P. S. HORN. Special arrangements for adjusting the
strength and depth of touch.
Feb. 8 1884 W. S. NOSMORTHY. sounding boards.
Feb. 9, 1884 W. R. LAKE. Mechanism for sustaining tone.
Feb. 15, 1884 J. DELERUE. Sound boards for pianofortes.
Feb. 2 1884. A. Improved escapement of sticker from hammer butt
March 28, 1884 F. G. FAIRFIELD. Swell shutters to regulate
April 23, 1884. E. CAPITAINE. Wrest plate mechanism for adjustment
of tone.
April 6, 1884 J. STUTTAFORD. Pedals for musical instruments.
April 28, 1834. J. M. SMITH. Sound boards increase sustaining
May 17, 1884 1. PRITCHARD. Combined piano and harmonium.
June 14, 1884 T. DODDRELL. Improved shape of grand
June 14, 1884, F. DOWNING. Improved action.
June 21, 1884, W H. DREAPER Strengthened sound board.
July, 25, 1884 C. ERHARDT, Improved pianoforte hammer rails.
Sep 5 1884 K. Y. LANGLOTS Paper sound boards.
Sep. 19, 1884 J. Y, JOHNSON. Supplementary strings behind or
underneath the sound board, tuned to vibrate in unison with the
ordinary strings.
Oct. 1, 1884 J. BOURRY. Iron frames
Oct. 2 1884. G. KEMP. Mechanism to produce graduated intensity of
Oct. 22, 1884 C. COOPER. Double sound board.
Oct. 28, 1884 J. VIVIER, Substitute for wrest pins for
Oct. 31, 1884. T. TURNER. Simplification of pianoforte
Dec. 1, 1884 J. Y. JOHNSON. Improved Pianoforte action.
Dec. 15, 1884. T. C. TURNER. Improvement of keyboard.
Jan. 9, 1885. CARI, HAPEL. Application of core wire of triangular,
quadrangular, or polygonal section to strings of pianofortes and
other stringed instruments.
Jan. 14, 1885. CECIL COLLARD. To ensure greater Resollance in piano
fortes by "gripping plate" upon the bridge.
Jan. 27, 1885. PAUL GIVIELIN. To increase the singing quality" of
tone by means of additional singing strings interposed between the
regular strings.
Feb. 9, 1885. F. HUDSON. Improvements dampers.
Feb 10, 1885. F. H. BROWNE. Application organ pedals to
Feb. 24, 1885 JOSEPH HERRBURGER. Iron Or steel rails on pianoforte
Feb. 26, 1885. R T. WEDLAKE. Application organ pedals to
March 5, 1885, G. H. VENABLES. Protection of Piano hammers from
damp, especially applicable to pianofortes exposed to varying
April 6, 1885. HERRMANN WOLFRA2MAL Amendment of former
April 29, 1885, MADAME VEV AMEDEE. Substitute for wood by use of
frames of iron, having abutting arches for resisting. tension of
strings; string plate and wrest plank being also of metal.
May 8, 1885. ADAM CRAIG. Action without hopper or spring and
regulating the depth of touch.
May 12, 1885. JOHN BRINSMEAD. (1) Dispensing with wooden bracings
and framing and constructing the metal string frame so as
sufficiently to resist the tension of the strings. (2) Enabling the
sounding board to bellied so as to compensate for inequalities ill
its several parts, and fixing the sounding board to the string
frame, whereby the instrument is completely self contained and can
readily be inserted ill any case.
June 2, 1885. N. BERRY. Metal cases for pianofortes
June 5, 1885. EMIL HOFINGHOFF. Damper on sounding board to diminish
the tone at will.
June 24, 1885. R GUNTHER. Increasing tone by lengthening bass and
regulating middle and upper strings.
Aug. 12, 1885. EDWARD BISHOP, Reduction in friction and case in
regulation of action.
Aug. 22, 1885. F. & H. COLLINS & G. WHEELER Relieving of
strain on wrest pins.
Sep 4, 1885. EDWARD BBISHOP,. Improving backs of pianos and fitting
the wrest plank.
Sep 19, 1885. H. HARDY. Modification of stringing whereby hammer
strikes four, five, or six strings to each note.
Sep. 21, 1885. V. R. EDDINGTON. Attachments for actuating pianos
and organs.
Oct. 9, 1885. F. STEVENS. Improved action to relieve stickers and
jacks from the butts of the hammers.
Oct. 20, 1885. B. B. BRADBURY. Second and isolated sounding board
to increase volume of tone.
Nov. 11, 1885. J. H. SCHUCHT and J. A. SCHONEWALD. Appliance for
tuning pianofortes.
Nov. 25, 1885. WILLIIAM MARSHALL. Transformation of the pianoforte
into an upright grand "Chordarnia", the performer facing his
audience, while the bass part of the instrument is from 6ft. to
8ft. height
1 Jan. 6, 1886. E BISHOP. Extended sounding board.
Jan. 6, 1886. E BISHOP Arched board bridges for pianofortes.
Jan. 25, 1886. E. A. SYDENHAM. Regulating the touch of pianofortes,
enabling performers, to the touch of the pianofortes on which they
chose on which they practise.
March 22, 1886 JOSEPH DELERUE. Improvements in check Movement and
April 19, 1886. P BERNER. Improvements in tension and tuning
mechanism of pianofortes.
June, 29, 1886. J DELERUE. Further improvements in pianoforte
July, 9, 1886. J DELERUE. Regulating bar to string plate and wrest
Barrie Heaton, FABPT, FIMIT, AEWVH (Dip.),CGLI (hon.) MMPTA (USA), © copyright
Visit my website Piano Tuning in Lancashire.
Acknowledgements. and Selective Bibliography