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Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 04 Dec 2011, 16:34
by Feg

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 04 Dec 2011, 18:38
by Gill the Piano
HOORAY!!! We KNEW you couldn't go cold turkey... :lol: ...and think how much better your pedalling will be now you're driving again! :piano;

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 12:17
by Nutroast
Hello DB, I was about to post to ask where you were hiding yourself!

That's great news about the lessons and your comments about just concentrating on the music rings 100% true with me too. I know I'm never going to be brilliant, I just want to be good enough to play the stuff that floats my boat.

Welcome back to the warm keyboard.

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 16:40
by Gill the Piano
Well size 200 isn't bad, I should've thought... :mrgreen:

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 16:41
by Gill the Piano
Who have you found to teach you? How did you find them? It's excellent news; we wait with baited breath!

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 18:28
by Gill the Piano
Never shouts???? Is she drugged??? :D

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 13:26
by Nutroast
Calling DB.....Well????? How was your lesson? I hope it went well.

A certain short person in this house got some money for Christmas and she's specifically asked for piano lessons, so we're going to meet a potential teacher later this week.


Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 18:34
by Gill the Piano
I don't think we'll ever know, Nutty; he's decamped to another forum...:(

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 14:11
by Nutroast
Ah, thanks :)

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 18:59
by Gill the Piano
That forum won't let me on...:(

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 15:42
by Nutroast
...... nor me.

Anyway, talking of breaking news, my daughter has her first piano lesson today! We went to meet her new teacher yesterday and they seemed to get on very well. Now comes the painful bit; I have to write a cheque :D I'd love to be able to afford lessons for me too, I may put some on my next Christmas list. At least then I can get my paws on her antique Bechstein grand :lol: it sounds stunning.

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 20:50
by Gill the Piano
You've got a birthday before Christmas, haven't you???? :lol:

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 12:04
by Nutroast
Enjoy it? She hasn't stopped fizzing since. I can hardly keep her off MY piano :D I hope she carries on loving it and enjoying her lessons.

Even before she had her lesson, when I went to collect her at school, I found that all the teachers and children seemed to know that she was going, she'd told absolutely everyone in her excitement. Bless.

You're right, Gill, I do have a birthday before then, next month in fact. I'll have a serious think about it. When I arrived at the end of Boo's lesson, I found myself wishing that I was there too. Money's tight, but life's for living as well. I'm dreading the moment when Boo progresses really quickly and she suddenly realises that Mummy isn't actually that good after all :oops: :wink:


Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 17:23
by Gill the Piano
I always permit myself a secret smile when Mummy tells me she's learning too, 'so I'll be able to help little Doobrey later on.' Next visit I hear ''If S/He says once more 'Can't you play that yet Mummy?' I won't be responsible for my actions!'
Adults learn slower - not least because they have Other Things To Do, like cooking, cleaning, working, etc., etc. I've stopped beating myself up over not doing enough practice for my guitar, I just breeze in and say 'Sorry Dave; it'll be supervised practice today, not a lesson!' He doesn't mind, as long as I don't pretend to have done ten hours' practice then bog it all up!
Dave, how did your lesson go????

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 21:10
by markymark
Well how is she going to know?

Is she a member of this forum?

Re: BREAKING NEWS....(as they say on BBC News, CNN and POX N

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 11:04
by Nutroast
dave brum wrote:You're going to have to get used to the fact it is yours and Boos piano now!

I have a book of really easy Early Learning songs for piano you may find useful. Either Mummy can play them to Boo, or (soon) vice-versa. PM me if you're interested, Nuttycrunch!
NOOoo - it's MY piano! She can get her own at the other end of the room as soon as she's earned enough from going up the chimneys!

As for the book, I don't want to overload her right now, she's very happy with Tunes for 10 Fingers, but I may well take you up on that offer some time soon, it's nice to have something other than lesson stuff to stretch her (and me) after a while!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 11:06
by Nutroast
Gill the Piano wrote:'Can't you play that yet Mummy?' I won't be responsible for my actions!'
That day loometh. I'll sulk for a very, very long time :wink:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 18:33
by Gill the Piano
O well, join the club, Dave. i think adult expectations are a bit unrealistic - and I speak as one who had a crap guitar lesson today...but IN MY HEAD, I'm John Williams... :roll:
Glad you're enjoying your lessons and feel that you're learning things - that's the main thing, isn't it?

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 23:19
by Pixie*Piano
Lots of scales and exercises practised today :)

Will have a day on my Bach WTC Bk. 1 No. 24 tomorrow ...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 18:18
by Gill the Piano
Practise a few scales for me too, Pixie! :)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 22:43
by Pixie*Piano
Gill - practised enough scales for the two of us today!! Also the Bach is coming on well too :)

Dave - email me / pm me the link, thank you :)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 18:16
by Gill the Piano
I think you'll find that applies to ALL politicians, cherub...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 23 Jan 2012, 18:41
by Gill the Piano
I've sent you an emu.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 18:01
by Gill the Piano
Can't you play your electric thingy through earphones, Dave? Then The Management can have Deadenders on and you can pootle on the keys.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers corner (again)

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 21:34
by him again
I like that Roger and Val thing with Dawn French, though she looks really old and haggered in that. And Escape to the Country. Most of those country homes have some sort of piano in them.