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it's official - i hate winter!!

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 12:59
by OneHandOnly
last night my teacher cancelled my lesson as his house wasn't accessible :(
this morning i had to walk 5 miles through 2 feet of snow only to be told on arrival at work to go home :evil: another 5 miles!!
frozen to the core, but now my hands are thawing i get an extra 4 hours of practise :D it's not all bad

global warming?

Re: it's official - i hate winter!!

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 20:07
by OneHandOnly

5 miles is a long walk through snow- had the public transport stopped then? I presume you are far North.

Hi PianoLove,
Not really north, i'm on the border on Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, unfortunately there is no public transport at 5am :( .normally it's the push bike but today was impossible. more is forecast for the next couple of days and it would appear the mild winters are now in the past, i don't mind the cold as such but not being able to get about really bugs me.
At least i don't have to worry about Chopin groups, do you think there are groups for "mary had a little lamb" and "twinkle, twinkle...." :oops: :oops:

Re: it's official - i hate winter!!

Posted: 01 Dec 2010, 23:15
by Blodwen
You walked 5 miles to work??? :shock:

I live 5 miles from my work but would never ever ever ever ever even contemplate walking it lol! you must be mad! Especially in this weather its freezing!! We haven't had any snow down here in Swansea, Im quite disappointed, I see all this snow on the news and we've barely seen a snowflake! It is really really cold though, I went to watch Wales vs the All Blacks last weekend in Cardiff and it was so cold, I had 2 layers on my bottom, 4 on top, 2 pairs of gloves a hat and scarf and 2 pairs of socks and I was still freezing, I had so many layers I was walking like a penguin ha ha!!

Re: it's official - i hate winter!!

Posted: 08 Dec 2010, 16:00
by OneHandOnly
well the good news (he says sarcastically) is that i won't have to walk 5 miles to work again this winter, or ever again for that matter, the b*****ds are making me redundant on christmas eve!!!!!!!!... ......... i guess i will be a full time piano student until i get another job :D :(

Re: it's official - i hate winter!!

Posted: 08 Dec 2010, 17:55
by Gill the Piano
...and Capstick pinched it from Monty Python ('We lived in a paper bag in the middle of the M1, 'ad ter get up before we went to bed...').
Sorry about your news, OneHand. What line are you in - any jobs going in your area of expertise?