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Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 19:34
by Moonlight
Hi Dave!

That dot thing sounds intreresting is it a tip for sluring, did you find that out some where or did you make it up?

I simply drop my arm on the 1st note of the slur then roll off at the last note without moving my finger, with the rolling motion theres no need to move the finger it preses the note automatically. For slurs with more notes then 2 you need to play the notes in the middle legato and roll off at the end, Well thats what it says in my book.

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 20:01
by Moonlight
Well, thats normal!

I do air Hanon when watching tv etc. sometimes :wink: ...not in the air on a flat surface, of course!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 20:30
by Moonlight
Thats intresting!

But I don't quite have big enough legs to do a scale on my thigh, I would probably be able to do the 1st tetrachord and then my hand would fall off :o :lol:

Yes, lets hope maby Jan has opened the bubbly to celebrate, and not drown out memories of her bad lesson. :?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 21:23
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Marky, it's certainly easier to do it the book's way if you learn to roll that wrist, suppose that's what the editor wants you to do when he/she put in the change of fingering from 2 to 1 on the D instead of playing thesame note with the same finger. Just so you can get that staccatoey sound right.

Worth training the fingers to do alongside the Hanons.
Sounds about right Dave. As well as this, Hanon is someone I turn to quite often to train the fingers again, particularly during term time when Grade sixish 'school music' tends to be the main portion of my repertoire.

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 21:25
by markymark
I was sitting in the staffroom at breaktime today and subconsciously was playing my blues' runs on the table. I didn't even notice until a colleague asked what I was playing!! :oops:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 21:53
by markymark
Huh! At 28 years of age, I don't exactly feel grown up myself! :lol:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:00
by markymark
It must be my expert command of syntax and grammar! :lol:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:00
by louttrim
28?? a mere youngster!!?! When I first started learning I'd look on Youtube for clips on how to play the pieces I was learning, and I gave up after I saw a SEVEN YEAR OLD playing Prokofiev's 'dance of the knights'.. I can do the first few bars and that's it!! Grrrr!!!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:01
by markymark
Oh flip sake! Don't tell me I've been laising with folks from the local fold! :lol:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:05
by louttrim
local fold??? don't know what you mean.... !

Apologies for being ageist! Your syntax and grammar are indeed exemplary :lol:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:08
by markymark
I was joking about the grammar.... :lol:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:08
by markymark
....oh and, of course, about the local fold too! :wink:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:10
by louttrim
chortle :P :lol: :D

we're only jealous - neither dave nor I will see 35 again!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:13
by markymark
Well, so long as you didn't get mixed up with your typing and mean that you'll never see 53 and not 35 again, sounds like things aren't that bad!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:17
by louttrim
no no no!! definitely 35 and not 53!! :lol:

and you do the music at your church? what kind of church? Is there an organ (and do you play it?), or is it more modern? so many questions...

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:20
by markymark
It would be more modern praise and worship. It allows me to use my improvisation and fancy stuff as modern Christian music encompasses so many styles. Some of the more traditional hymns tend to be in more traditional metres and stuck in the same music style so at least in my church, I still get to experiment musically!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:26
by markymark
Was that one of the mission praise range of books?

The problem with those books is that they are written in four part harmony. You'll probably notice that booth hands with be playing two notes each? It's technically laid out for SATB. Useful for choir masters but not so much for the pianist or organist...

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:26
by louttrim
sounds perfect! We're still looking for a church that fits us - we moved here 6 months ago. The church in the village here is very traditional, and lovely in lots of ways, but doesn't have very regular services.

I've been practising lots of carols lately.. love Christmas!!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:32
by markymark
No it's okay. I think I know the one you're talking about. It is kind of difficult to read music like that at Grade 1 standard because of the sheer number of notes that have to be read and played at the same time.... bit like Rachmoninov's stuff to be honest! :D

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:39
by markymark
:o I'm blocking all future correspondence!


Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:41
by louttrim

much as I'd love to stay and chat, it's time for bed. Daughter and dogs will be jumping on the bed at the crack of dawn.. Good night all


Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:42
by markymark
Okay 'night!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 22:43
by louttrim
no, indeed! It's more likely to be the dogs first! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 17:12
by Moonlight
dave brum wrote:Now why did I imagine you to be about mid-40s, Mark! Moral of story dear readers, don't rely too much on your pre-conceptions.
haha :lol: did you Dave? How old did you think I was? It would be intresting to know, how old do I sound ( type )?

I can't really say how old I thought you were because I found out your age in one of the posts. I probably thought your were 40 or 50??? but thats before I got talking to you!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 18:03
by joseph
Age is only a number folks! Its funny, I'm 28 now, I don't see old people or young people in general, I just see them all as people. People with more experience than others perhaps? I know people look different as they get older but to be honest, I don't even think about it either.

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 21:40
by Moonlight
joseph wrote:Age is only a number folks! Its funny... I know people look different as they get older but to be honest, I don't even think about it either.
True say Joseph, true say, theres no point in age barriers; if I cared about age I wouldn't be talking on this forum.

Dave, I have no idea what your on about! But yes you have out weirded me when praticing :lol: . Is it a cartoon youre talking about?

I can play the theme tune to the Rugrats, only 80s and 90s people will know what I'm on about...maybe.

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 21:47
by Moonlight
dave brum wrote:Going WEEEEEEE whilst doing chromatic scales is Anna's
I only did it ONCE its not a habit. I like to do chromatics scales with the damper pedal held down now, it sounds SPOOKY! :o :o oooooooohhhhh!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 21:50
by markymark
joseph wrote:Its funny, I'm 28 now....
Warning dave and louttrim - more "youngsters" on the loose in the piano forums!!! :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:01
by Moonlight
Thats nothing me and Sparkley are 23, we're almost young enough to be the lerry kids from your school Mark!

What are the kids like that you need to put up with at school? are they still cocky little gits? What language do they speak, I last left 'teenage speak' when I left college 5 years ago so I'm a bit out off touch with da in way of talking.

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:06
by markymark
Well I teach in a primary school and the kids are not that bad. I don't have classroom control issues! Although, because the kids come from the countryside, they tend to have a rather broad accent which was a bit of a shock at the time!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:12
by Moonlight
Oh well thats good then, there nice country folk and are primary school kids! I thought you taught year 7s and higher in a secondary school, in the city or something. They would eat you alive!!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:15
by markymark
No I opted not to teach secondary fairly early on! I did teach in a large town school but was made redundant and this is how I got to this new school. I missed the town school because of the business but I wouldn't care for the secondary level kids - more hassle than some of them are worth!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:19
by markymark
Having said that, I still get to use my musical skills at a fairly high level. Our seniors are doing a remake of "High School Musical". I'm pretty much going to have to rewrite and rearrange the music for that!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:22
by Moonlight
hear hear!!!

I was going to ask you but maby its only secondary school music teacher thing, do the pupils need to sing out 'yes Mr Markymark' when you do the register at the start of your lessons? and you would need to play some chords on the piano as they sing out your name. I remember doing that when I was at school! :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:24
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:hear hear!!!

I was going to ask you but maby its only secondary school music teacher thing, do the pupils need to sing out 'yes Mr Markymark' when you do the register at the start of your lessons? and you would need to play some chords on the piano as they sing out your name. I remember doing that when I was at school! :lol:
Sometimes if I get them to line up or something like that! Sometimes my classroom looks like a localised Barney show!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:25
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Markymark, let's have a wee bit of respect 4 your elders :D :D :D
Oh.... old Mr Brum has arrived! Make way so that he can get his zimmer frame past everyone! :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:30
by markymark
You see? It's not easy being young and vivacious! :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:32
by markymark
Moonlight has gone very quiet.... she's still there.... :shock:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:32
by Moonlight
I also remember when I was in primary school and we had a music lesson once, we were doing something called 'Jazzamataz' and our teacher told us to make any sound we liked. So naturaly we made all kinds of nosies, hiting the table, howling, stamping &c, and she got angry our teacher! No idea why, we were just doing what she said; make a sound!! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:32
by Moonlight
I am still here!!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:35
by markymark
I try to vary the music lessons for the children. IN the afternoons, I take Years 3-6 in the afternoons (not all at the same time) and we develop topics or do something that ties in with their main classwork. For example, YEar 6 are doing "Frankenstein" as their class novel this term so we're doing some work with ostinatos and are leading towards making our own atmospheric, scarey music to compliment a section of the text that will support the mood of the extract.

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:39
by markymark
Yes... those were the days! Though not during mine - caning had been abolished in schools by the time I went through! Nowadays, we talk about our feelings and try to make something of the pyscho-emotional process of defiance and rule-breaking - whatever! :roll:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:40
by markymark
Not yet. So far potential candidates have failed the ear tets! :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:41
by Moonlight
hahaha yeah I think you mentioned that on another post Dave about that Jason guy, hes a joker! Did he play the piano well, or was he just mucking about?

Thats sounds fun Mark with the Frankenstein and the atmospheric music thing! I can't remember my music lessons in school much just that one for primary school.

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:42
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Four pages now :? Gasbags the lot of us!
Probably should have taken Barrie up on his offer to introduce the Piano Lounge forum. Not sure I'd want to moderate that forum as well given the wide range of topics!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:45
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Well dear old Jase was only obeying the instructions of his teacher. What's wrong in that?
Not sure how a piano classifies as "fitness equipment". If that were the case, I'd have outstanding pectorals and a 6 pack to die for!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:45
by Moonlight
dave brum wrote:Well dear old Jase was only obeying the instructions of his teacher. What's wrong in that?
Yeah like my class with making any sound you want, and the teacher gets angry. She told us to do it! :roll:

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:47
by Moonlight
dave brum wrote:Nicola Munro - tall curly haired gal?
I'm not sure you have...

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:49
by Moonlight
Its ok if we're gas bags, I put it down to the fact i'm a girl, girls love to chat! and this is called 'chit chatters corner'

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:53
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:Its ok if we're gas bags, I put it down to the fact i'm a girl, girls love to chat! and this is called 'chit chatters corner'
In the teaching profession, there is a female majority on the workforce. Never a truer word was spoken. Women are a bit like a Duracell battery when they get started; they just keep going on and on and on and on and on and on.........