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Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 09:31
by louttrim
Linzy, the Steck was often a pianola; they were built like brick wotsits, because they had to withstand a battering from the pianola mechanism. Is yours an ex-pianola?
Hi Gill

yes, I think so - but I haven't had the lid off yet to have a proper look. It's got a very different sound my old piano, but I like it a lot. Am probably a complete philistine!!! :D


Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 30 Jan 2009, 17:11
by Gill the Piano
You can tell if it used to be a pianola because there'll be 4-5 inches of redundant space between the front of the piano (behind where your music sits) and the action of the piano.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 31 Jan 2009, 16:28
by louttrim
Hi Gill

yes, you're right - it is/was a pianola :) Luckily it got into the house OK! All I know about it's history is that it used to be in a pub, as a regular piano, before my piano teacher bought it, and now it's here. Interesting to think about all the people that would have either listened to it playing itself, or played it themselves!


Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 31 Jan 2009, 17:49
by Gill the Piano
If you (or your tuner) can find a serial number, Bill over on the Piano History thread will be able (probably!) to date it for you. Then you can have a birthday party for it...:D

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 02 Feb 2009, 20:28
by Gill the Piano
Groooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn..... :D


Posted: 03 Feb 2009, 00:44
by markymark
Grenache wrote:That's an interesting fingering, Joseph, when I was taught many years ago (and I haven't had lessons for a while), it was to use 1 on the white notes, 3 on the black notes and 2 for C and F (for the right hand).

I'll have a go at your suggestion later when I can get off this computer.
I have to say, I was taught the same way and in that respect am a traditionalist!

These concert pianists and their innovative experimentist mentality, phaw! :P

Re: Re:

Posted: 03 Feb 2009, 21:24
by Moonlight
markymark wrote:
Grenache wrote:That's an interesting fingering, Joseph, when I was taught many years ago (and I haven't had lessons for a while), it was to use 1 on the white notes, 3 on the black notes and 2 for C and F (for the right hand).

I'll have a go at your suggestion later when I can get off this computer.
I have to say, I was taught the same way and in that respect am a traditionalist!
Thats Interesting actually. I was having a bit of trouble in my piano lesson today relearning the conventional way of doing chromatic scale fingering, the way Marky and Grenache are talking about. I have been using Joseph’s way of doing them, which I think is easier as the fingers full in succession and the hand keeps it natural postion. But my teacher was saying 'no don't do it like that' so I need to relearn to play that piece the way she wants to keep her happy :wink: .
markymark wrote:These concert pianists and their innovative experimentist mentality, phaw!
Nothing wrong with anything experimental or innovative if it makes playing the piano easier. If it wasn't for those kind of ideas we would still be playing with fingers 1-4 only now wouldn't we! :lol: and of course you can't use the thumb on the black keys either - if you are a traditionalist :wink: .

Re: Re:

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 00:00
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:Nothing wrong with anything experimental or innovative if it makes playing the piano easier. If it wasn't for those kind of ideas we would still be playing with fingers 1-4 only now wouldn't we! :lol:
To an extent, but then again, an examiner is not going to be looking over Joseph's shoulder to assess fingering. The fingering I mentioned is the standard issue fingering for chromatics for both ABRSM and Trinity Guildhall.

Not sure what you mean about playing with fingers 1-4...

BTW, you should have a question mark at the end of that last sentence... if you're a traditionalist :P

Re: Re:

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 17:42
by Moonlight
markymark wrote:Not sure what you mean about playing with fingers 1-4...

Sorry, I meant fingers 2-5. Isn’t that the really old way they used to play keyboard instruments or was it just the harpsichord ? as using the thumb was frowned upon. I read it somewhere.
markymark wrote:

BTW, you should have a question mark at the end of that last sentence... if you're a traditionalist :P
Yeah, thats what I wanted to write: 'if you're a traditionalist' :oops:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 17:29
by Marius
Dave!! :) Long time no see! :)

How`s it going with you and your piano playing?

Im gonna send you a boogie song, of the boogie master: axel swingenberger :)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 16:44
by Gill the Piano
I'm still alive. Apparently... 8)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 18:29
by Feg
I'm still here too, Dave :D

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 15:25
by Moonlight
...thought I would post something just for old times sake...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 20:59
by Feg
No, not petered out - just trying to fit everything in to far too few hours in the week :roll:

If you REALLY want MY news, then here son has a 2nd year entry place at university to study BSc Interactive Entertainment and Games Development and has got last minute paid employment doing software testing. He is finding the adjustment from sitting in front of his computer to sitting in front of someone else's computer very tiring but is enjoying the thought of the extra funds in his bank account.

My daughter is catching up on school work ready to start back on Thursday.

I, on the other hand, am doing the last minute washing/ironing/my famous headless chicken impression that I usually do this close to the start of the new school term.

I'll have to contact my private recorder pupil and sort out when he will start lessons again, although my group classes at the local primary will not start until the end of September.

As well as all of the above, I tune pianos :D

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 21:26
by Feg
Scottish school terms are different from England. School breaks up at the end of June and goes back mid-August.

Both children got good exam results so Caroline is sitting her Highers this year and Chris is starting Uni! Sometimes I wonder where the years have gone. Caroline who is the youngest will be 17 in December and starting either driving lessons or motorbike training or both! Her brother has passed both licences and has his own motorbike.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 17:32
by Gill the Piano
I actually knew who nine of the people were on SCD...given that I'm generally a couple of centuries behind the times, I realise that's not necessarily A good thing. Just as well it bores me rigid and I shan't be watching it then! :)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 09 Sep 2010, 17:52
by Gill the Piano
I have a piano-shaped music box which plays an hysterically out-of-tune version of Blue Tango....takes several listens before you can understand what it is!
I like Alec Templeton - Bach Goes To Town. And what about Billy Mayerl???

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 19:33
by Gill the Piano
We have a Victorian dentist's chair in the music room, and a drill to match. Anyone want a go....? :)

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 11 Sep 2010, 16:15
by Gill the Piano
Yep, the drill works with a treadle. We haven't got any bits for the drill though.
Highly polished??? Not in MY house! :lol:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 18:07
by Gill the Piano
Come and have a look then!!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 14 Sep 2010, 16:55
by Gill the Piano
If I had a camera, and/or the tecnolololological wossname, I would. But I haven't!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 08:35
by pianoguy123

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 17:47
by Gill the Piano
Because you think you can't do it, but try it and you'll be pleasantly surprised....I speak as one who thought she couldn't carve in 3 dimensions and grudgingly did so this summer.
Only to find that I actually enjoyed it; it was only the THOUGHT of it that scared me - the practicality of it was far less scary than the idea!
BTW, I'm not on about urination, I'm on about sightreading; Dave types faster than me and interposed the above between the sightreading post and the answer... :roll:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 18 Sep 2010, 17:18
by Gill the Piano
Mmm, well it's totally untrue that the piano exams are a piece of p....anyway, our local radio said re the 'third world' remark of the Pope's sidekick 'What, like a country that doesn't believe contraception or homosexuality should be allowed?'

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 18:09
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:I still don't get why there are dynamic markings in a Baroque piece (Grade 3 11-12, Prelude in C - Bach)
As they are editorial/advisory you are free to ignore 'em; they can't touch you for it!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 21 Sep 2010, 16:30
by Gill the Piano
It doesn't mean that there should be NO dynamics in there, just that there is no right and wrong. JSB wrote them for the harpsichord which was fairly expressionless in that you needed to depress pedals or stops to acieve any difference in tone. But to use no dynamics whatsoever would sound a bit lifeless. Take your teacher's advice; she knows (you) best!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 22 Sep 2010, 18:02
by Gill the Piano
At least you're aware of the problem and can fix it!
We drove a music teacher to the brink of madness at school by chorusing 'BLESHOO!' every time she said Khachachurian...happy daze!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 23 Sep 2010, 18:42
by Gill the Piano
We never done no Umperdink...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 24 Sep 2010, 18:17
by Gill the Piano
Geoffrey Burgon died recently...Brideshead Revisited amongst other things. /I remember him coming to the High Wycombe Schools thingy in about 1970 when I was 9 to conduct a massed choir. And I decided I lurved him....he made Britten bearable!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 30 Sep 2010, 17:45
by Feg
Don't know if this is the place to post this but..............

on Saturday 9th October, one of my recorder pupils is playing in a concert as part of the local Music Festival...eeek!

He'll be fine, but I'm providing the accompaniment and will be not-so-fine! Methinks I'd better clear the junk off my piano and do some p******e :lol:


Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 30 Sep 2010, 18:26
by Gill the Piano
Don't tell anyone I said this, but last-minute practice fuelled by terror and adrenalin works better for me than carefully regimented hours of practice! You'll be fine... :lol:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 10:40
by Feg
Gill the Piano wrote:Don't tell anyone I said this, but last-minute practice fuelled by terror and adrenalin works better for me than carefully regimented hours of practice! You'll be fine... :lol:
It's alright - I know this method of practice well. It's how I got to Grade 8 violin & piano etc as a teenager. Practice like mad the night before and wing-it at lessons :D

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 17:47
by Gill the Piano
Only in america... :roll:
I have a cat who loves everybody...we had a little girl knock at the door and ask if our ginger cat could come out to play.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 31 Oct 2010, 15:59
by Gill the Piano
Satrurday nights are full of turgid puerile rubbish and the TV programmers are treating us like morons; if it isn't idiots cavorting about trying to dance, it's idiots cavorting about trying to sing, both unsuccessfully. So I put the radio on...and they were talking about £*(%!^$ XFactor... :roll:

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 15:55
by Gill the Piano
I get annoyed by Classic FM when I think, 'Ooo good, I like the next movement....' but the next movement never comes as they only play the 'lollipops'.

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 14:55
by Gill the Piano
Glad you liked it - bit of a responsibility recommending stuff! There are two other MP/Carnival Band Christmas albums, I think, but the one you've got is my favourite; it never feels like Christmas till I've decorated the tree jigging round to Maddy with a pint of Rebellion!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 21:59
by Blodwen
aww youre so cute Dave Brum he he!! Well we'll see what 2011 brings!
Im looking forward to the new year, got a few holidays planned, hopefully will get through another piano exam, my other half is going to be moving in and Ill be turning 30, although cant say Im looking forward to that!!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 28 Nov 2010, 23:15
by Blodwen
I think its great that you siarad Cymraeg Dave Brum! So many people think its a dead/dying language but its definately not! My niece is 4 and she's just started in a Welsh speaking primary and there are a 100 or so children going into her year! When I was in the same primary there were 25 in my year! In Swansea in the last few years they've had to open a second Welsh Comprehensive school as there was such a high demand for the one!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 29 Nov 2010, 14:48
by Blodwen
Gwyr is the school I went to Dave! It seems like a long time ago now though lol!! Yes Ty Tawe is still there, haven't been in the myself for years though!
The Quadrant is also still there! It's probably the smallest city centre shopping centre in Britain lol!

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 18:08
by Gill the Piano
Hope you're OK after your A&E visit, Dave...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 23:24
by Blodwen
awww Dave, sorry to hear youve been in hospital! I hope youre ok! You take care of yourself and make sure Mrs Brum is looking after you! xxx

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 00:43
by markymark
dave brum wrote:So nice to have it back, eh! Now Markymark, put down that bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and that fag, there's some serious moderating to do!
Forum had some serious technical issues this week but things are getting back to where they were.

Gill, have you seen the latest post in the Moderators' Forum?

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 19:03
by Gill the Piano
[quote="markymarkGill, have you seen the latest post in the Moderators' Forum?[/quote]
Nope, I'll have a look...

Re: Idle chit-chatterers' corner

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 11:54
by Barrie Heaton
I am locking this thread as it is getting too large and it has many subject which would be served better if they were there own threads
