- Hi! Is there any way to fix hammers that arent striking the strings by my self? We recently got to borrow an old piano for our daughter. When we got it there was a lot to fix, and it wasn't even possible to tune properly, so we have to tune it again in the summer. Safe to say we already spent some money on this old thing that is not even ours.. Now i notice two of the keys are silent unless you play really hard. You can get sound by pressing hard, but that is kind of distracting when youre practicing..
Adding a video so you can see what i mean
You have something stuck inside of the action. I can tell because when you hit the note in question - the hammer next to it bobbles. That usually happens when there’s an item that fell into the action.
A tuner should be able to sort this out quickly. Or - take the front panel off and peek under the hammer to find the object.
Good luck!
Here inf. 'the hammer lose about:
May be inplant anythings droped in 'the action' of the upright piano there.
OR anytghing droped under 'the key' placed there,
Firstly remove it's keys there,
regards, Max
Thank you! I checked and turns out that it was a tuning wedge inside! Got it out and now it plays like it should.
• I'm glad that you would yet fixed it DIY there ,
• And an old piano yours daughter works rightly now,
• Let's good quality lucks in her piano practicy there,
regards, Max