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'Getting Nasty' - harmony help!

Posted: 31 May 2011, 01:02
by jonescrusher
Hi all,

sorry to be cheeky and ask for help in my very first post, just at my wits end trying to figure out the chords over the main piano riff in, played by the great Billy Preston (riff form 12 secs in)

I'm a bit of a beginner with harmony, so any suggestions gratefully received! Peace

Re: 'Getting Nasty' - harmony help!

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 18:34
by Colin Nicholson
I can sort chords out for you, but it wont be free.... quite a bit of work involved.
Several consecutive dom 7th chords (and secondary dominants).... so would require around 2-3 hours of listening & transcribing onto music score.

Depending on what you want, I can provide a general "chord-based" background to the harmony either/ both in chord notation (eg G7) or provide the dots on staves (eg GBDF)....keyboard style etc. Any melody work would be extra. Dont do words to music tho - just general harmony.

PM me if interested with your email address for more info.
